BBC iPlayer Plugin (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
June 9, 2007
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I use the bbc iplayer v-MP-iPlayer Alpha Build 0007, which i use all the time, and works great for me, would be great to have the itvplayer too
Could i ask is the itv player ITV Player the same as the bbc iplayer

Could a plugin be made for the itvplayer , like you have done on the bbc iplayer Alpha Build 0007
Or are they completly different the way they work...


Retired Team Member
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  • July 27, 2007
    Yorkshire, UK
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    England England
    I'd like a plugin where ALL the major UK channels 'catchup' services were available and selectable via a simple menu - BBCi, ITV Player, 4oD & Demand 5.

    BTW I'd also like World Peace and the ability to teleport ;)


    Portal Pro
    May 10, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I'd like a plugin where ALL the major UK channels 'catchup' services were available and selectable via a simple menu - BBCi, ITV Player, 4oD & Demand 5.

    yeah this would be brilliant. this was what tunerfreeMCE has achieved, so its definatly possible, just need somebody who knows how to do it, who has some free time to have a go. i wish i could but i wouldn't even know where to start.


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • August 29, 2007
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I'd like a plugin where ALL the major UK channels 'catchup' services were available and selectable via a simple menu - BBCi, ITV Player, 4oD & Demand 5.

    BTW I'd also like World Peace and the ability to teleport ;)

    and the moon on a stick. :D


    Portal Pro
    May 10, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    yeah i wish.. would be like the best plugin ever if it did all UK catchup services! anyone? haha


    Portal Pro
    December 25, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    just downloaded and installed biosoniks mp-iplayer, and it works really well. i'm very glad that this plugin is being worked on now, it's something i've wished for for a long time !

    i'm having one problem with it at the moment though - when i click through to a stream, it loads up fine and plays fine, but i get an internet explorer "file download" dialog appear in front of the window, which stays in front until i click the "cancel" button. which is rather annoying, as this is my HTPC which is otherwise entirely remote-controlled. clicking the "cancel" button removes the dialog, and the stream continues without problems.

    sometimes, instead of this dialog, a get an internet explorer error dialog, saying "failed to download : unknown error", which again sits in the foreground until clicked on

    some other thoughts (although i appreciate it's early days at the moment) :

    pressing pause on the remote pauses the playback. to resume playback it's necessary to press pause a second time. pressing play doesn't resume playback. this feels odd because when watching "normal" videos in MP, it's pause to pause and play to resume.

    playback is very slow/jerky in fullscreen. this HTPC isn't particularly powerful (2.8ghz P4) but plays back high resolution high bitrate h264 and divx flawlessly so shouldn't have problems with lower quality streams like the BBC ones. it also has a hardware MPEG2 encoder/decoder.

    someone mentioned having the program menu as a list rather than icons, to make it easier to read the titles - i agree with this. perhaps an option to choose (like on the MP videos pages) would be good.

    also, the iplayer interface, with the scroll/progress bar, and the stop/play controls, seems to be a permanent fixture. would be nice if this could be removed.

    anyway - great work so far, i'll be watching this one closely. would be great to see support for 4ondemand and other similar services. let me know if you need anything testing - as mentioned before, it's a relatively low spec machine, and it's running XP. it's also running little else apart from MP and other tools i find necessary for an HTPC (mainly dvd rippers and encoders)

    edit : turns out that when the "file download" dialog is happening, there's actually a whole IE window opened in the background - closing this seems to fix the jerky playback problem.

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