BBC iPlayer Plugin (2 Viewers)


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  • January 30, 2008
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    This is exactly how I would see the plugin working at the backend.

    Here is a recent BBC Blog regarding the new qualities of BBC iPlayer streams available
    BBC Internet Blog

    I know that the current work recreated the whole iPlayer flash instance, is there a way to get the flash video behind the whole flash player instance and play this through MediaPortal's internal player?

    EDIT: Re-read cheezey's post - I realise now that it is possible to get to the mp4 files made available to iPhones. These, I imagine, would not be getting a 'quality boost' and would stay at 800kbps. No access to the 1500kbps (SD) or 3200kbps (HD) would be accessible using this the flash route may be the best way to get the best quality.


    Portal Member
    March 31, 2009
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    Scotland Scotland
    The way to go is web browser based. For one, there is little to no programming involved in getting it to play. Just let the user click here and there or simulate mouse clicks to add onaction functions. In addition, HD content and high quality streams are available and working from the onset. I've tried rtmp streams with no success although MythTV Vodka have had success somehow.

    When I started this project I actually just wanted to see if it can be done in mediaportal...


    Portal Pro
    December 9, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I got the error in Flash Player 'This content doesn't seem to be working'

    Any ideas?



    Silly question but does bbc iplayer work if you use it normally through your web browser? That error appears sometimes if the bbc thinks you are outisde of the UK i believe (it used to happen at my work).


    Portal Pro
    February 14, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Wow you guys move fast! Already a B&W skin! HAHA Its my first go at skinning for MP so my StreamedMP one might take a few more days (as I really only have the weekend to play).

    So I tested the plugin last night (0007) and was very impressed by progress so far, as everyone says, it works! I noted the following/had some suggestions:

    - I also get the IE error, thought it might be down to having IE8 installed, but if others are getting it, it must be down to the player as already stated.

    - Will it be possible to organise the streams into programs, then to click the program and see the episodes available? I ask this as I would like to skin it to look the same as MP-TVSeries or MovingPictures.

    - Is episode info available as part of the RSS? it would be nice to see this as you highlight the thumbnail.

    - In fullscreen the slidebar/infobar at the bottom is always visible, I guess this is the flashplayer right? Is it possible to flag it not to show? Or if you manage to get it to use the default player (using H.264)

    Anyway, those are just some observations/wishlist and I understand that this is very early Alpha (which is already amazing). I wish I could contribute more than just a skin ...



    Portal Member
    March 31, 2009
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    Scotland Scotland
    Happyfish thats fantastic work! does it work though? The web browser that is. I'm at a dead end with my ideas (this is pretty much as far as direct swf linking will go without rtmp support). And how the hell did you get that AxMozilla to work, it kept moaning everytime I tried to use it, I ended up using the standard IE web browser control.


    Portal Pro
    February 14, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hello guys,

    Here is my starter for 10. It's not in anyway complete but if anyone wants code help yourself.
    This one is browser based.
    All it does is list the programmes and then you can navigate to individual series - that then opens the iplayer ready go.
    It's all very manual but given my lack of programming skills.......

    Can all be found here -> mediaportal1player - Google Code

    Don't forget you have to install the mozilla active x control.

    @biosonik - I'll let you take the lead on this ere project but if there is help needed let me know.


    Thanks for this, I will try this tonight :)


    Portal Member
    March 31, 2009
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    Scotland Scotland
    Thank you everyone for your help and feedback on this project. I meant to say that earlier in the thread but I got pre-occupied.

    Thank you for your feature requests. I've noted them all and plan to implement them once I have a solid base to work with. The overall goal will always be - an interface to the best possible content that can be programmed into a stable environment and although rtmp would be great, its just not possible with my limited programming knowledge.

    I need one fine individual to test something for me. The attached file is an absolute test build that uses a web browser instead of a player (no more flash player). It works for me no problem although I visit the iplayer site fairly often. If it works then HD content will be in by the end of the night and i'll continue down this route.


    • MP_iPlayer.rar
      30.6 KB


    MP Donator
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  • February 1, 2007
    The Sauce of Worcester
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    testing now..

    Ok first time it showed up, and gave me the click to play image. i then have to get the mouse out and click and fullscreen.

    Video plays. Plays with major stutter in fullscreen though.

    The second time I try and play something however, I just get a black screen.


    Portal Member
    March 31, 2009
    Home Country
    Scotland Scotland
    Thanks Revs.

    I only programmed in the web browser, no user interaction yet. So you can play without a "try again later" although full screen causes a terrible stutter. meh, I don't get it. Its just a web browser with the bbc page inside it. almost like an iframe...any ideas Revs? should I continue with this or scrap it?


    Portal Pro
    December 9, 2007
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    testing now..

    Ok first time it showed up, and gave me the click to play image. i then have to get the mouse out and click and fullscreen.

    Video plays. Plays with major stutter in fullscreen though.

    The second time I try and play something however, I just get a black screen.

    Same - sort of.

    First try - bbc one -> weakest link. Shows a dialog box with the url, have to click ok. Then takes me to another screen with the player embedded but not full screen. Click play and it works fine. I then press "esc" to get out.

    second try - bbc one > weakest link. Shows URL, but then just gives me a blank skin with the blue background and the time in the top corner.

    PS I've been trawling through the code again from build 0007 and think i'm slowly starting to understand it...:D The thing is the syntax and things you can do in C# is completely different to what i'm used to (php and shell scripting!) so it'll take a while to get the hang of it.

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