BlueTwo reskinned for 1280x720 (mp .2.0.4) (1 Viewer)


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  • April 6, 2005
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    Just tested with the new SVN you mentioned. Is still the same :confused:
    The Error.log is here.
    While playing music, jump to "Now playing" MP freezes, the only way to close is the taskmanager. I've deleted the BXML from the skin after SVN update, before starting MP.
    I hope this will help.

    PS. Sorry, didn't read carefully yesterday :oops:


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  • May 21, 2004
    I looked at the error log, but i really don't know what much of that means. Nothing in there was obviously related to the skin, and all i could have caught was an obvious message.

    I checked my own error logs for any problems relating to any way with mymusic and didn't see anything. I messed with the mymusic settings in the configuration trying to get it to crash, and it still worked.

    I went back and compared control to control the bluetwo and 16x9 xml files. If anything i found more potential problems in the bluetwo file (the music filename control, id 113 is listed three times in a row, each in a different y position). Other than those tags, i made sure everything matched. I removed one tag i added (0:00 under the progress bar), even tho with an id of 0 it shouldn't have caused any problems.

    I uploaded that change, along with an updated tv crop settings file to the svn. In all honesty i don't think it will solve your problem...the inability to generate any error on my htpc is making it tough to find.


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  • April 7, 2005
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    Object of type 'MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIImage' cannot be converted to type 'MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUILabelControl'

    This most likely tells you that some Object (The Image) might have a wrong ID


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  • May 21, 2004
    This most likely tells you that some Object (The Image) might have a wrong ID
    I compared the files from regular blue two and 16x9 side by side for just that. Just from trial and error in the past, i found that if i leave out a control whose id >1 or give it the wrong id value, the result is a blank screen. Besides some definitions at the top and x and y positioning, there are only two differences. The first is what i mentioned above about the multiple instances of the track name, id 113. It doesn't make any sense to have three in there like 4 pixels apart from one another, so i only have one. The second is that i omitted the background image behind the album art. But it had an 0 for an id value, omitting that shouldn't create an problem.

    Since the entire skin is included with each svn right now, i'm going to assume that he isn't trying to use the version uploaded on the main download site with an svn version of mp. That would cause a blank screen because of all the changes in now playing, and a bunch of other screens too.

    The bigger issue is that it works on my htpc without error. I'll keep downloading svns and in a way hope i have this problem. Nobody else has reported an error yet, altho not that everybody posts every problem they have.


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  • April 6, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    I've installed the latest SVN (10324) and still the same.
    I've tested B2, B2 16:9 and B2 1280x720 and t happens only with B2 1280x720 :(
    The Error.log is here
    If you need further tests or info, let me know.


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 21, 2004
    please read the post just above, second paragraph. BlueTwo1280x720 is for mp .2.0.4 final only. Most people use only stable releases of MP, and the version found on the main download site is for that purpose. It's updated regularly to fix bugs, not to keep up with changes in the svn.

    Bluetwo16x9 is included with the svn because that is the only version of this skin meant to be used with the svn. This information is posted in the first thread in the post, and in red a page or two back.

    It is also the reason right now for two different names for essentially the same skin, to make it easier to differentiate between the two. It might be time to start different thread for the svn version to make things more clear.


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 21, 2004
    Updated version loaded to main download site, please download it tomorrow (9/19) to be sure of the updated version. Fixes keyboard/remote navigation in recorded tv (previously unable to navigate right to the lists). Change will be added to the CVS version in time for tonight's snapshot.


    Portal Member
    February 11, 2006
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    Austria Austria
    It may sound a little off topic, but is there anybody out there who is also looking for a 16:9 wide screen skin optimized for 1366x768.
    On my 1366x768 system B2 16:9 is working fine without one single exception: teletext results in wide letter spacing which has bad impact on my girlfriend's WAF (women acceptance factor) :eek:

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