Digital Devices Cine S2 vs. Mystique SaTiX-S2 Dual (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
December 19, 2009
Home Country
Norway Norway
Digital Devices Cine S2 vs. Mystique SaTiX-S2 Dual...

Are they the same card? Any differences in drivers?
Also looks like the same CI solution...
Linux vs. Win 7 (x86 and 64)


Portal Pro
April 14, 2005
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Digital Devices Cine S2 vs. Mystique SaTiX-S2 Dual...

Are they the same card? Any differences in drivers?
Also looks like the same CI solution...
Linux vs. Win 7 (x86 and 64)

They are Exactly the same, but dont buy one right now if you are planning on using it for HD channels on Thor. It does not work correctly with channels that have symbolrate 30000 :(



New Member
August 4, 2010
AW: Digital Devices Cine S2 vs. Mystique SaTiX-S2 Dual

hello there,

we, linux4media are the producer and developer of the digitaldevices cineS2 card / sideshow display .....etc

i just readed your request, we have the problem we can´t receive thor here, and to analyze the symbol rate problem we need a entry to a pc to verify and locate the problem.
if somebody can allow our developer to enter his computer with teamviewer, it would help a big step forward

my mail adress is

Linux4Media GmbH
D-88271 Wilhelmsdorf
HRB: UL552213
Tel.:0049-7503-9300 0
dir.:0049-7503-9300 30
Fax.:0049-7503-9300 50
Mob.:0049-179-942 1558

Sollte gehen, können wir aber nicht selbst testen. (bei 8PSK ist die Grenze bei 31000. QPSK und DVB-S gehen bis 45000, letzteres habe ich getestet


should run, but we can´t test it here. for 8psk ist the border at 31000, qpsk and dvbs are tested up to 45000.

we need your help

Digital Devices Cine S2 vs. Mystique SaTiX-S2 Dual...

Are they the same card? Any differences in drivers?
Also looks like the same CI solution...
Linux vs. Win 7 (x86 and 64)

They are Exactly the same, but dont buy one right now if you are planning on using it for HD channels on Thor. It does not work correctly with channels that have symbolrate 30000 :(

hi jakob,

we are the developers. it would help us tremdously if you could organize a entry to a thor connected pc for a teamviewer access

kind regards


Portal Pro
April 14, 2005
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
Re: AW: Digital Devices Cine S2 vs. Mystique SaTiX-S2 Dual

hello there,

we, linux4media are the producer and developer of the digitaldevices cineS2 card / sideshow display .....etc

i just readed your request, we have the problem we can´t receive thor here, and to analyze the symbol rate problem we need a entry to a pc to verify and locate the problem.
if somebody can allow our developer to enter his computer with teamviewer, it would help a big step forward

my mail adress is

Linux4Media GmbH
D-88271 Wilhelmsdorf
HRB: UL552213
Tel.:0049-7503-9300 0
dir.:0049-7503-9300 30
Fax.:0049-7503-9300 50
Mob.:0049-179-942 1558

Sollte gehen, können wir aber nicht selbst testen. (bei 8PSK ist die Grenze bei 31000. QPSK und DVB-S gehen bis 45000, letzteres habe ich getestet


should run, but we can´t test it here. for 8psk ist the border at 31000, qpsk and dvbs are tested up to 45000.

we need your help

Digital Devices Cine S2 vs. Mystique SaTiX-S2 Dual...

Are they the same card? Any differences in drivers?
Also looks like the same CI solution...
Linux vs. Win 7 (x86 and 64)

They are Exactly the same, but dont buy one right now if you are planning on using it for HD channels on Thor. It does not work correctly with channels that have symbolrate 30000 :(

hi jakob,

we are the developers. it would help us tremdously if you could organize a entry to a thor connected pc for a teamviewer access

kind regards

Hi Bernhard,

Sorry i totally missed your post.

I have sent you an email.



Portal Member
December 19, 2009
Home Country
Norway Norway
As I do not have the components, I cannot help testing. I am awaiting confirmations on successes with this setup for HD on CD in the Nordic.


New Member
August 4, 2010
AW: Digital Devices Cine S2 vs. Mystique SaTiX-S2 Dual

hi jakob,

so after receiving your tuner log, we hae a statment from the developer who writes the drivers
" Mit S/N von 10-11 dB ist da nur wenig Reserve bei 8PSK 3/4. Das wird
dann natürlich auch schwieriger bei höheren Frequenzen, (Kabeldämpfung)
Ausserdem ist dem Log zu entnemmen, dass es auch Probleme bei Kanälen
mit 22, 25, 27.5 ,28 MSymbols/sec gibt, und nicht nur bei 30."

as i told u in my mail, i think it is a mechanical problem, i need confirmation about the
blindness in the range of 30000sr from better two other sources, because it looks that
you have a high noise absorbtion, and so higher the frequ so higher the blind out

we have now investigaed with three people, highest educated, about this problem, i
am not able to invest more time now, if i have a real evidence about fail of our card,
i will directly start a new act.
the other way is that i change the card on our exppences, and we start from there again

kind regards


New Member
March 30, 2011
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Re: AW: Digital Devices Cine S2 vs. Mystique SaTiX-S2 Dual

Hello Bernhard,
I am running linux ubuntu but I would like to support this card that I just purchased

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