DVB Testing Results (1 Viewer)


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  • July 28, 2004
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    This is where you should post results from your testing of BionicDonkey DVB coding work.




    I got a little further. After installing WinDVD6 (I had WinDVD5 installed previously) I got to see the "skin missing" error, but graphedit simply hung when I tried to connect to remote graph.

    DVB card name: VisionPlus DVB-T
    DVB card type: DVB-T
    BDA driver version: Spectrum's Drivers, version . Shows as THDTV DVT-t BDA Tuner Filter in the setup page.
    Result: GraphEdit hangs.
    Error message(s): MediaPortal showed a trappable error, then the Skin Error (as expected). GraphEdit then hung.
    Where error message(s) were seen:

    I can manually build the graph in graphedit. I'm really looking forward to this working, so I'm keen on helping out. I can program in C#, but have mostly been doing ASP.Net/SQL work and not much windows programming. Most of DirectShow is beyond me at present... Along with the time to learn...

    I'm going to put my DVICO Fusion DVB-T card in as well tonight and see if that can be seen too.



    I thought the trappable error was expected? I'll have to try it again. Just watching the end of the cricket ;-)

    I have just installed my Fusion card in the machine so I'll test that out too.

    I haven't worked out how to get all of the code etc yet, nor how to contribute working code, so I've got a bit of learning to do before I can help much. Any threads I can look at to start with?


    After much time away I finally got back to testing this.

    I am set up with FusionHDTV BDA / ATSC. I click DTV and after about 80 seconds, the screen finally comes up. Here is my graph.


    I did notice something wierd when I click DTV, the Nvidia codec icon appears for a brief second when I start it up. Beyond the slow start I would sometimes receive exceptions after it was running for a short time. Let me know when you have another build and I can give it a whirl. Also if you have a new source base, I would like to get a snapshot of this as well.



    Portal Pro
    September 3, 2004
    Sydney :: Australia
    Thanks FullDeck,

    I'm not sure why that stalling thing happens, hopefully it's not something in the filtergraph code.

    Just to let everyone know, i've been continuing work on integrating dtv into the existing analogue crap, which isn't easy considering i don't really know how analog works but i'm slowly picking it up. so far i'm just getting the card config stuff to work. i'll post that when i get it to work which hopefully won't be too far away.

    I'd also like so say a big thankyou to all that have tested this stuff especially dman who has done alot of work.



    I'm still no further with connecting to the graph. GraphEdit simply hangs when I try to connect to remote graph and doesn't respond again until after I close down MediaPortal.

    Not sure how to progress now, not sure if I can help. I'll test again when you release further binaries.

    I have downloaded the source and it compiles OK (after installing DX9 SDK), but obviously it doesn't include the DTV source. I'll go back through and find out where to get it...


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