The transmitter had some changes made this morning, including new frequencies as shown in attached picture, so you'll need to edit the dvbt.xml and rescan Rowridge or do a full scan.
I eventually came across the TwinHan driver CD that was included with the original product. The CD contains numerous drivers for the different TwinHan tuner models, but the drivers are for Win 2K (32-bit only) and Win XP (32-bit and 64-bit).
The drivers install directly on Vista, and the drivers can be installed on Win 7 and Win 10...
I eventually came across the TwinHan driver CD that was included with the original product. The CD contains numerous drivers for...
went from a 1.29 install (working, reinstalled for other reasons) on a fairly fresh and fully updated Windows 10 system for a...
Here's another update.
I have change so Live now is in the title, but instead of this "FIS Längdåkning: VärldscupenLIVE" it's looking like this "FIS Längdåkning: Världscupen: Live"
And I did another update where there where only a season-number and not an episode-number, but a subtitle.
I think that the file is as good as it can be...
Here's another update.
I have change so Live now is in the title, but instead of this "FIS Längdåkning: VärldscupenLIVE" it's...
I'm trying to develop a new WebEPG grabber for sweden, but I got a few problem in parsing the html-file to get all programs.
Hi, it looks like the Client's server connection settings got corrupted somehow and were reset, hopefully this is an easy fix.
Open MP2-Client, navigate to Settings->General->Connectivity->Home server.
In the menu on the left there may be an option Detach from home server, if there is click it and acknowledge the dialog that pops up...
Hi, it looks like the Client's server connection settings got corrupted somehow and were reset, hopefully this is an easy fix...
Help Please: MP doesnt display any of my previouse recordings or TV programs
It seems like the Server isnt running?
MP was working...
Just those I attached.
I messed about with task priorities MP/TV-Server/SQL-Server and the issue changed to the skin.. I would do something, but it would be 10's of seconds before the action happened. Doing an Alt-Tab would flush the actions. Too weird lol!!
So, with some flak from the family, I had to give in. I just did a...
Just those I attached.
I messed about with task priorities MP/TV-Server/SQL-Server and the issue changed to the skin.. I would do...
So, this one has me quite stumped.
Have tried ) and a few things - driver updates, kicking the box, threatening it with a static...