my HTPC can run any high def content i want...highest i've tried is a 30Mbit/s mpeg2 at 1920x1080 resolution with dolby ac3 5.1 .....runs...and runs very smoothly
I couldn't afford a whole new dedicated system for mp, so i turned over my webserver, with a celeron 1 ghz. Runs smoothly, TV/video/music playback only.
I'm running on a Athlon 750MHz.
Mostly smooth, but with the latest release I've noticed some
performance problems watching recorded tv.
Usually a restart of MP solves the problem.
I am a bit concerned about cpu usage when not using MP. eats 50% CPU just running the gui.
might have to do with directX 9 support etc. but it still feels
strange that it consumes so much cpu doing virtually nothing.
If the files are accessible on your network, which I guess they must be if PowerDVD can play them then you should be able to find them in MP2.
See here for further info.
MP2 uses the concept of distributed media, but centralized information. This means that your media items can be anywhere - on your MP2 Server, on your MP2...
If the files are accessible on your network, which I guess they must be if PowerDVD can play them then you should be able to find...
I started experimenting with tuner cards and HTPC before Jack Valenti and his DRM-media Nazis ruined things with their HDCP and DRM...
I just came across WiFi Remote in a roundabout way. I am looking for a way to remotely control my HTPC, which is located in my home theatre room with a beamer and has Media Portal installed, from the living room, where there is a TV that is connected to the HTPC.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to do this remote control once the...
I just came across WiFi Remote in a roundabout way. I am looking for a way to remotely control my HTPC, which is located in my home...
I just came across WiFi Remote in a roundabout way. I am looking for a way to remotely control my HTPC, which is located in my home...
thank you Sir, issue is definitely resolved now, i uninstalled the problematic MSE altogether, plus i also now have optimized EPG grabbing configuration, thanks again for all the assistance, wow so much faster on everything now that MSE is out of the picture...MP WAF is now restored and FetchTV STB sits in the corner collecting dust :)
thank you Sir, issue is definitely resolved now, i uninstalled the problematic MSE altogether, plus i also now have optimized EPG...
Long time MP user, and recently upgraded to MP1.34, prior to this upgrade, i have for many years successfully used MP with fast and...
That is not supported. In folder view you can just navigate through the pre-defined folder structure, you loose also the filter options, thouse are only existing in library view.
In MP2 I watched SBS 3D movies. Important ist just the TV supports it, because MP2 send them of course in splitted screen and the TV needs to merge them.
That is not supported. In folder view you can just navigate through the pre-defined folder structure, you loose also the filter...
Hi there - just registered and I have some basic questions on how to MediaPortal provides similar experience for Movies, Music and...