IS 3DMP dead? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
December 7, 2004
United Kingdom
Well maybe you should have been diplomatic

To be clear... my comment about diplomacy is in relation to how people bash skins that don't meet with their preferences, especially when a new skin that is more to their liking comes along. That other matter is of no interest to me and quite frankly, none of my business :).


Portal Pro
April 11, 2006
Home Country
England England
oh dear, someones got emotional on the internet again :)

Seriously though, the MP skinning design must be made much simpler for skins to florish.

I gave it a go and having 100+ xml files to edit with each individual plugin different is a silly design. There also needs to be an easy way of refreshing the skin's graphics, not just the xml files.

Get that sorted and you will see lots of new skins come out.


Portal Pro
January 26, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
oh dear, someones got emotional on the internet again :)

Seriously though, the MP skinning design must be made much simpler for skins to florish.

I gave it a go and having 100+ xml files to edit with each individual plugin different is a silly design. There also needs to be an easy way of refreshing the skin's graphics, not just the xml files.

Get that sorted and you will see lots of new skins come out.'d be more than happy with the next MP (release) version then. You can even use Microsoft Expression (or future alternatives) as an editor to create skins then. Topic: WPF/XAML.

I'm sure we'll get skins we've never ever been dreamed of.

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