Good one, but I did apologize because I didn't understand your posting right. Even though i'm in the US, my native language is not English.You did ask for sarcasm did you not?
When you say you're using the blaster functions exclusively it makes it sound like you're not using the receiver at all, but that seems to disagree with the "...including the remotes..." comment.
Sorry that I wasn't too precise about that. Exclusively meant, I need the transceiver part to blast to my sat receiver on the server-pc. This is in 90% of all cases, the rest is an ATSC tuner card. When I tried the HID solution with MePo 1.12, I didn't know which part, the receiver or the blaster part, wasn't working right. So I did just the upgrade from the earlier version. This, with the old MCE protocol, just kept working.
@ all,
it was NOT my intention to stir up the pot here. Thinking back, I should have just kept my mouth shut, or better, my computer off.
Fact is, after upgrading one computer to 1.13Pre, my earlier skin was just not available anymore. And since I'm not a coder, I took it as a fact, especially after reading that the old default wide had died.
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