Hi totopsgr - I have not actually done it, but MyFilms automatically generates a tmp XML file in AMC format. It should be located in the same folder where you store your Eax XML file - and named the same except for tmp in the filename, e.g. EAX3.xml > EAX3_tmp.xml. Try opening it in AMC 4.1.2 to see if all your data reads correctly in AMC. At least that much should be easy to test .
You can check the MyFilms wiki page about Eax to see what fields are supported and how they are mapped to AMC in the tmp file. In particular if you use any fields not supported by MF, you might lose some data.
IIRC Eax3 only saves the cover filename to XML, not the full path like Eax2 did. So if you want to move your XML db (tmp file above) to a different folder, I would recommend you copy your covers to a \pictures subfolder of the folder where you save the AMC catalog XML file. That way you can use the default settings for cover paths in MF setup. I would also recommend you copy your fanart to MF fanart folders (if you did not already add fanart via MF), or use the 'easy' way and just download fanart again for all your movies using MF GUI > Global Updates > Download fanart (all films).
If all that works, you can just use the setup wizard in MyFilms to create a new config using AMC4 catalog type and point to the AMC XML file and start using it right away.
So start with that and let's see how good the result is. If you run into issues, let me know and I might be able to come up with solutions for you.
Thanks Dadeo, I opened the tmp file with ANT and it reads perfect. There are no cover pics there or associated fan art like I had on EAX. I gather that MF uses the cover pics that are linked to the xml. Could I do batch download of covers through mediaportal? I kinda remember an option but can not check now since I upgraded to MP 1.4 and waiting the right version of MF in order to install.
Actually you can specify a cover path in MF setup artwork tab and it will search for your covers there. So you shouldn't need to batch download covers again.
You should be able to duplicate that in AMC settings also. There are two main settings for covers in AMC > Tools > Preferences:
Picture Importation - it's misleading because it also determines how your pics/covers are saved in your XML database and thus how AMC looks for them.
Basically you could play around with that until you get your covers to show up in AMC.
AMC doesn't support or display fanart unfortunately, and as you probably know from before EAX does not save fanart in separate movie folders like MyFilms does, so you only get to display one image . Did you download fanart before for your EAX catalog using My Films? You can check if you have fanart already in the fanart path you set before in MyFilms Setup. IIRC default for EAX catalog types is: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\MyFilms\Fanart
Even if it does not display in AMC, it will in MF as long as the Fanart path matches your config.
I'm downsizing my big honkin' HTPC case to a mini PC, which means the tried and true Hauppauge Colossus card that bridges the set top box into Mediaportal needs replaced with a different solution.
I currently have HDMI from the STB to the colossus. Mediaportal is controlling the STB through a USBUIRT blaster and the blaster is...
I'm downsizing my big honkin' HTPC case to a mini PC, which means the tried and true Hauppauge Colossus card that bridges the set...
I'm downsizing my big honkin' HTPC case to a mini PC, which means the tried and true Hauppauge Colossus card that bridges the set...
I read some previous posts but I didn't understand if someone did it or worked on it.
I'd like to ask you if there will be the chance to interface the MP-TV series plugin with TMDB also.
I don't say to eliminate the chance to keep data from TVDB, but at least the option to choose to switch to TMDB or (why not?) other sources.
I read some previous posts but I didn't understand if someone did it or worked on it.
I'd like to ask you if there will be...
I read some previous posts but I didn't understand if someone did it or worked on it.
I'd like to ask you if there will be...
I had the same issue and found the executable under
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Titan\BasicHome.Editor\TitanEditor.exe
Only the shortcut was missing.
I had the same issue and found the executable under
Hi all,
Not a rant, more a sharing of experience (maybe hoping to get some clarification on which wrong turn I took)
It has been...