qu'apelles tu télécommande pinnacle?
la pinnacle pctv remote kit vista=oui
la télécommande de ta carte tuner pinnacle=normalement oui via ta carte tuner
I guess it's really a rare case, most users use remote controls, then keyboards and last mouse. I tired to design things mouse friendly as much as possible, because it was almost impossible when I joined the team. As former WMC user I quickly decided to create a WMC-like skin which comes as close as possible in terms of appearance and...
I guess it's really a rare case, most users use remote controls, then keyboards and last mouse. I tired to design things mouse...
I am new to Media Portal, I am an avid Windows Media Center user, love it and trying to hold onto it as long as possible...
Après plus de 8 ans de bons et loyaux service sous mediaportal 0.2, suite à un upgrade du PC, je suis passé sous médiaportal 1.2.3.
Le plugin MyFilms ne fonctionnant plus, j'ai pris MovingPictures.
J'ai réussi à le paramêtrer mais une chose me gêne: le pluging dans médiaportal n'apparait pas au premier écran avec vidéo...
Après plus de 8 ans de bons et loyaux service sous mediaportal 0.2, suite à un upgrade du PC, je suis passé sous...
Après plus de 8 ans de bons et loyaux service sous mediaportal 0.2, suite à un upgrade du PC, je suis passé sous...
thank you Sir, issue is definitely resolved now, i uninstalled the problematic MSE altogether, plus i also now have optimized EPG grabbing configuration, thanks again for all the assistance, wow so much faster on everything now that MSE is out of the picture...MP WAF is now restored and FetchTV STB sits in the corner collecting dust :)
thank you Sir, issue is definitely resolved now, i uninstalled the problematic MSE altogether, plus i also now have optimized EPG...
Long time MP user, and recently upgraded to MP1.34, prior to this upgrade, i have for many years successfully used MP with fast and...