Sorry, I don't really understand this. How is it different from the XML files in ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\language\?
Are the skin specific language files already included when I install StreamedMP or do I have to add them myself?Sorry, I don't really understand this. How is it different from the XML files in ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\language\?
The language files in ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\language cover the base installation of MediaPortal the language files here handle the translations for the skin specific translations.
Most plugins also have specific language files.
Done.1. Music plugin, context menu in the section "jump to" we have "music settings", "skin settings" both already included in language file but not used here
That property is only available from MyLyrics window and not outside.2. in the menu mentioned previously we have "lyrics" where custom (user defined) name of MyLyrics could be used, the same we have on "now playing" screen but "mylyrics" words is used instead of "lyrics"
3. Radio plugin, context menu in the section "jump to" we have also "lyrics"
Think I remember this being a problem with Global Search Plugin itself...will look into this later.4. Music search plugin, button "case sensitive", its name is included in language file but not used here
Done, New translation Added.5. Settings menu contains "skin" word which is not translated
Done.6. Settings->General menu, there is option "start in fullscreen" which is translated in MP language file but not used here
Same issue as lyrics.7. Search music plugin, when included in menu its custom name is not used, but when launched custom name is displayed on navigation bar (on top) which is correct.
Will take care of this later...8. Skin info screen could be also translated ....
Done, translation added. I could not find one in my MP language file (possibly been removed).9. New button "MediaPortal Settings" on exit buttons screen has hard coded caption, but we can use translation from MP language file instead.