So the solution is to not have "_createFlags |= CreateFlags.PureDevice;" for XP?
Well, my personal opinion is to release this as 1.4.1 hotfix (when it is tested) since MP 1.5.0 won't support XP?
@Developers any opinions?
XP can deal with this nicely. But looks like the subtitle rendering part cannot deal with it on XP. No harm to branch the capabilities for XP here when the flags are set, but please not in general of course.I didn't attach vs to my XP but it seems that XP can't handle CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing; or CreateFlags.PureDevice;
Overriding stuff for XP would be possible. If we come up with a PureDevice go back a step to HardwareDevice in case it is supported. But not supporting Software Vertices would be problem for older integrated Intel GPUs as they do not have hardware vertices. If you do not allow this, they could not render anything as there is no mode available for the mat all. It is the lowest you can go without going fully software rendering if I remember my D3D caps correctly.
So keep this in mind with these GMA3xxx GPUs when creating a final patch. Make sure you test it these GPUs as well that it does not introduce general other issues. I spent a lot of
As said the underlying problem is in the subtitle rendering itself. But do whatever you guys think it's right for XP as long as it is just specific to XP and can later be easily removed from the code again.
So keep this in mind with these GMA3xxx GPUs when creating a final patch. Make sure you test it these GPUs as well that it does not introduce general other issues. I spent a lot of
As said the underlying problem is in the subtitle rendering itself. But do whatever you guys think it's right for XP as long as it is just specific to XP and can later be easily removed from the code again.
Hey Sebastiii, you're simply the best!
Indeed, your patch also solves several other problems I had - crashing of renderdevice when doing facade navigation (sometimes with endless looping recovery/crash), DX errors and unability to connect the graph (without any recovery) thus VMR9 player not working and some other minor things - a quick test shows all those issues seem to be gone.
Thanks a lot for your efforts!
How can try on GM3xxx ?