Vista and EVR support (3 Viewers)

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Portal Member
May 14, 2007
*) fixed two crashes (one rather stupid, the other one a bit more tricky, and it was more likely to happen on dual-cores)

please test, as i hope that we are getting closer to a stable version!


Thans Eabin, will copy it and give it a spin when i install a new svn tomorrow.


Portal Pro
May 19, 2005
Home Country
Italy Italy
Thanks Eabin...
I'm trying your new dll...
What I see with premiereHD sport live is that is smoother than the old one but after 5-10 minute MP crash. (I use TV engine 3 14-9-07) Not the same with movies (may be different bitrate or interlace) With the old one it doesn't happen but every 10-30 sec i get some stutter. Always used with dual core enabled.
Im usin a dual core e6420 and the hardware below with vista and cyberlink h.264 DXVA enabled. Hope you will fix it..
Sorry i don't have VMR log since I run MP other times after without problems. tomorrow evening I will try to save vmr logs



Retired Team Member
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  • September 18, 2006
    gizzmo: thanks, i can confirm your issues with tsfilesource. otoh, everything is working beautifully with tsreader. i will have a look at it, but i'm not sure if i can fix this.

    franky: thanks, i'm in bugfix mode now, and just simplified some code to make it easier to maintain. my current version is attached, although it is slightly more experimental than the last one, but please give it a try. it should hopefully perform better AND crash less :)

    additionally, this is a static build just like the one distributed with SVN-snapshots, so hopefully no more dependency problems with msvcr80.dll.


    Portal Pro
    May 19, 2005
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    franky: thanks, i'm in bugfix mode now, and just simplified some code to make it easier to maintain. my current version is attached, although it is slightly more experimental than the last one, but please give it a try. it should hopefully perform better AND crash less :)
    All the thanks are only for you :)
    I will try it soon...
    Unfortunately this evening no football on Premiere HD so no more crasches to log.
    I don't know why but with movies the stability is OK.
    Another questions:
    watching always football, i see a big difference between SD mpeg2 material in EVR and VMR9. Better in VMR9, more smooth and better colors. Instead for h.264 1080i EVR is better. Consider i'm trying with a 7950. i hope i will try soon with the 8600. It can make difference.
    Thank you again Eabin

    20 minutes of movie (premHD) last night with new version, without problems!


    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    @ Eabin,

    o.k. thanks for testing and confirming. I know that these files
    are working fine with tsreader.

    I will also upload you one of my mpeg-2 files which sadly don't
    play with tsreader :) that's the reason for my why i would like
    to stay with tsfilesource

    And on my HTPC the system or better the filters on the system
    get completely weired.


    Portal Pro
    April 24, 2007
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    So what's the current status for EVR support in the latest RC2 (I'm at work and cannot read all of this thread...)? My MP freezes after a while when playing recordings. But without EVR black colors aren't black anymore...And everything is less, ...say sparkling. Also the screen starts to flash when not using EVR, after you use a screen (Info/EPG/Volume/etc.) on top of your playing tvchannel/recording.

    And whats the status for the latest svn?


    Portal Member
    May 14, 2007
    Got one crash this morning.

    Not sure its because i enabled both cpu's, UseTsWriter.txt or maybe the new svn.

    Annyway, i'll continue letting mp run in debug mode with todays svn, with usetswriter enabled and your latest dll.

    Here's the log for your reading pleasure :D

    (i excluded the tvserver_TsWriter.Log as it is 425MB/26MB compressed).


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 18, 2006
    kkendall: the svn build is rather old and buggy, so it is a good idea to use the latest dshowhelper.dll from this thread. at the moment i'm trying to fix all reported stability issues as best as i can, and once it runs stable for all the testers on this forum, i will upload the sources again, so that frodo (or any other developer for that matter) can commit it to svn.

    speaking of which, i have yet another bugfix release for today:
    *) fixed a bug that could cause MP to freeze on channel cahnge or when stopping a video.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 18, 2006
    nyria: did the bug crash your MP, or just make it not responding? because if it's the latter, it looks like a regression introduced in one of the newer builds.
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