Show the movie clips
Sorry that my first post should be a feature request, but still:
I have to +1 on showing the movie clips in photo gallery.
I take lots of movies along my photos (and recode them to H264).
This is just about the only feature MediaPortal is missing for me.
I even found a thread where a guy made a plugin that did this, but unfortunately, that plugin had some issues.
Is there a yes / no or date attached to this feature?
This one is really important to me.
+1 on clipping thumbnails (don't clip, instead do black borders)
+1 on screen display options (width, height, best fit) - something like ad-hoc aspect ratio correction
+1 on reading EXIF rotation info
If you're thinking of implementing album names from folder names, please consider this: I have folders organized by year, month and then album name. The last level is duplicated and tripled, etc quite often (daughter performing this, the other daughter performing that, competition this, competition that, etc)
I believe such album name composition should be customizable and the possible input variables should be ALL directories in the pictured data folders.
Sorry that my first post should be a feature request, but still:
I have to +1 on showing the movie clips in photo gallery.
I take lots of movies along my photos (and recode them to H264).
This is just about the only feature MediaPortal is missing for me.
I even found a thread where a guy made a plugin that did this, but unfortunately, that plugin had some issues.
Is there a yes / no or date attached to this feature?
This one is really important to me.
+1 on clipping thumbnails (don't clip, instead do black borders)
+1 on screen display options (width, height, best fit) - something like ad-hoc aspect ratio correction
+1 on reading EXIF rotation info
If you're thinking of implementing album names from folder names, please consider this: I have folders organized by year, month and then album name. The last level is duplicated and tripled, etc quite often (daughter performing this, the other daughter performing that, competition this, competition that, etc)
I believe such album name composition should be customizable and the possible input variables should be ALL directories in the pictured data folders.