zap2it for 2.2.0 ? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
September 23, 2006
anyone know how i can get the zap2it plugin to work under 2.2.0? i cannot get any guide data even using xmltv. i live in the usa...suggestions?


Portal Member
January 20, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America

Greeting Guys...

Ok, I have 2.2.0 installed. All was working well but I decided that I wanted to do a fresh install of Windowx XP Media Center. I decided to run Media Portal and have been very pleased with it. Before I did the re-install I have MP running with the Zap2It plugin. It pulled the data and everything ran fine...

Then I did the fresh install and re-installed MP and the Zap2it plugin. Ever since I have not been able to get the epg to show...

When I start the plugin it runs fine... Then I goto configure it and select

Advanced Option / Force Guide Update on MP Start Up

I also go to the Zap2It TV line ups and do a refresh... It shows all the stations correctly here... If I try to save it 9 times out of 10 it will give me a time out error. The one time it does not it still does not seem to work...

I see that it is supposed to make a epg.log in the logs dir but it does not. The only way I can tell that it is failing is becuase I pull the error.log and it shows zap2it sying in there...

I have scanned alll the channels and still it does not work... Also as aside note, as I said above I will check "FOrce Guide Update on MP Start Up" If I click "OK" then go back into the config of the Zap2It it will have the selection unchecked again... No matter how many time I try it will not take it.

Here are the contents of my error.log and conf.log

If any one can help I would be very thankful... This is an awesome program and kills MCE! I want to switch but I need this to work. PLEASE HELP :)


2007-01-20 18:43:13.765625 [ERROR][MPMain]: Unable to start plugin:processPlugins.EpgGrabber.Zap2itPlugin exception:confused:ystem.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Log.WriteFile(LogType, System.String, System.Object[])'.
at ProcessPlugins.EpgGrabber.Zap2itPlugin.MediaPortal.GUI.Library.IPlugin.Start()
at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.PluginManager.Start()
2007-01-20 18:43:36.437500 [ERROR][MPMain]: Exception :confused:ystem.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Log.WriteFile(LogType, System.String, System.Object[])'.
at ProcessPlugins.EpgGrabber.Zap2itPlugin.MediaPortal.GUI.Library.IPlugin.Stop()
at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.PluginManager.Stop()
at MediaPortalApp.OnExit()
at MediaPortalApp.Main(String[] args)
2007-01-20 18:43:36.437500 [ERROR][MPMain]: Exception :Method not found: 'Void MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Log.WriteFile(LogType, System.String, System.Object[])'.
2007-01-20 18:43:36.437500 [ERROR][MPMain]: site :Void MediaPortal.GUI.Library.IPlugin.Stop()
2007-01-20 18:43:36.437500 [ERROR][MPMain]: source :Zap2itPlugin
2007-01-20 18:43:36.437500 [ERROR][MPMain]: stacktrace: at ProcessPlugins.EpgGrabber.Zap2itPlugin.MediaPortal.GUI.Library.IPlugin.Stop()
at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.PluginManager.Stop()
at MediaPortalApp.OnExit()
at MediaPortalApp.Main(String[] args)
2007-01-20 18:43:36.437500 [ERROR][MPMain]: MediaPortal stopped due 2 an exception Method not found: 'Void MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Log.WriteFile(LogType, System.String, System.Object[])'. Zap2itPlugin at ProcessPlugins.EpgGrabber.Zap2itPlugin.MediaPortal.GUI.Library.IPlugin.Stop()
at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.PluginManager.Stop()
at MediaPortalApp.OnExit()
at MediaPortalApp.Main(String[] args)


2007-01-20 18:55:40.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: Using Directories:
2007-01-20 18:55:40.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: Base - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
2007-01-20 18:55:40.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: Log - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\log
2007-01-20 18:55:40.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: Skin - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin
2007-01-20 18:55:40.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: Language - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\language
2007-01-20 18:55:40.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: Database - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database
2007-01-20 18:55:40.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: Plugins - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins
2007-01-20 18:55:40.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: Thumbs - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\thumbs
2007-01-20 18:55:40.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: Cache - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\cache
2007-01-20 18:55:40.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: Weather - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\weather
2007-01-20 18:55:40.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: CustomInputDevice - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings\custom
2007-01-20 18:55:40.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: Config - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
2007-01-20 18:55:40.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: CustomInputDefault - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings\defaults
2007-01-20 18:55:40.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: BurnerSupport - C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Burner
2007-01-20 18:55:40.093750 [Info.][Config Main]: Configuration is starting up
2007-01-20 18:55:40.093750 [Info.][Config Main]: Assembly creation time: 12/23/2006 6:14:56 PM (UTC)
2007-01-20 18:55:40.093750 [Info.][Config Main]: Thumbs: MediaPortal is using average thumbnails
2007-01-20 18:55:40.093750 [Info.][Config Main]: Create new standard setup
2007-01-20 18:55:40.187500 [Info.][Config Main]: SettingsForm constructor
2007-01-20 18:55:40.250000 [Info.][Config Main]: load localized strings from:C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\language\English\strings.xml
2007-01-20 18:55:40.312500 [Info.][Config Main]: add project section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.328125 [Info.][Config Main]: add general section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.343750 [Info.][Config Main]: add skins section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.437500 [Info.][Config Main]: add DVD section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.468750 [Info.][Config Main]: add DVD codec section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.468750 [Info.][Config Main]: add DVD player section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.468750 [Info.][Config Main]: add DVD postprocessing section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.484375 [Info.][Config Main]: add movie section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: add movie shares section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: add movie player section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: add movie extensions section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: add movie postprocessing section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.671875 [Info.][Config Main]: add music section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: add music shares section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: add music database section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: Opening music database
2007-01-20 18:55:40.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: using sqlite 3.3.8
2007-01-20 18:55:40.734375 [Info.][Config Main]: music database opened
2007-01-20 18:55:40.750000 [Info.][Config Main]: add music extension section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.750000 [Info.][Config Main]: add music views section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.765625 [Info.][Config Main]: add music import section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.812500 [Info.][Config Main]: add music dsp section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.875000 [Info.][Config Main]: add pictures section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.875000 [Info.][Config Main]: add pictures shares section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.875000 [Info.][Config Main]: add pictures extensions section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.875000 [Info.][Config Main]: add radio section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.890625 [Info.][Config Main]: add radio stations section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.890625 [Info.][Config Main]: add television section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.906250 [Info.][Config Main]: add tv capture cards section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.906250 [Info.][Config Main]: add tv channels section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.921875 [Info.][Config Main]: add tv channel groups section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.953125 [Info.][Config Main]: add tv program guide section
2007-01-20 18:55:40.984375 [Info.][Config Main]: add tv recording section
2007-01-20 18:55:41.000000 [Info.][Config Main]: add tv postprocessing section
2007-01-20 18:55:41.062500 [Info.][Config Main]: add USBUIRT section
2007-01-20 18:55:41.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: USBUIRT:Open
2007-01-20 18:55:41.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: USBUIRT:uuirtdrv.dll not found
2007-01-20 18:55:41.078125 [Info.][Config Main]: add SerialUIR section
2007-01-20 18:55:41.109375 [Info.][Config Main]: add WINLIRC section
2007-01-20 18:55:41.109375 [Info.][Config Main]: add RedEye section
2007-01-20 18:55:41.125000 [Info.][Config Main]: add DirectInput section
2007-01-20 18:55:41.140625 [Info.][Config Main]: MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
2007-01-20 18:55:41.468750 [Info.][Config Main]: add weather section
2007-01-20 18:55:41.468750 [Info.][Config Main]: add plugins section
2007-01-20 18:55:41.484375 [Info.][Config Main]: bring to front
2007-01-20 18:55:41.484375 [Info.][Config Main]: settingsform constructor done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.484375 [Info.][Config Main]: start application
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:project
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:General
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:confused:kin
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Keyboard shortcuts
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Keys and Sounds
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:On-Screen Display
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:confused:kip steps
2007-01-20 18:55:41.500000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Thumbnails
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Daemon Tools
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:File Menu
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Volume Settings
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:DVD
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:DVD Codec
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:DVD Player
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:DVD Post Processing
2007-01-20 18:55:41.515625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.578125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.578125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.578125 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Movies
2007-01-20 18:55:41.578125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.593750 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Movie Folders
2007-01-20 18:55:41.593750 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.593750 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.593750 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Movie Player
2007-01-20 18:55:41.593750 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.593750 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.593750 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Movie Extensions
2007-01-20 18:55:41.593750 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.593750 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.593750 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Movie Post Processing
2007-01-20 18:55:41.593750 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.656250 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.656250 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Movie Database
2007-01-20 18:55:41.656250 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.671875 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.671875 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Movie Views
2007-01-20 18:55:41.671875 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.671875 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.671875 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.671875 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Music
2007-01-20 18:55:41.671875 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.687500 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Music Folders
2007-01-20 18:55:41.687500 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Music Database
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Music Extensions
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Music Views
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Music Import
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Music Sort
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Music DSP
2007-01-20 18:55:41.703125 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.843750 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.843750 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.843750 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:pictures
2007-01-20 18:55:41.843750 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.843750 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:picture Folders
2007-01-20 18:55:41.843750 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:picture Extensions
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Radio
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:confused:tations
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: open radiodatabase
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: Radio database opened
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Television
2007-01-20 18:55:41.859375 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.875000 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Capture Cards
2007-01-20 18:55:41.875000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.875000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.875000 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:TV Channels
2007-01-20 18:55:41.875000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.875000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.875000 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:TV Channel Groups
2007-01-20 18:55:41.875000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.875000 [Info.][Config Main]: opening tvdatabase
2007-01-20 18:55:41.875000 [Info.][Config Main]: tvdatabase opened
2007-01-20 18:55:41.906250 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.906250 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:program Guide
2007-01-20 18:55:41.906250 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:41.937500 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:41.937500 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Recording
2007-01-20 18:55:41.937500 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.296875 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.296875 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:post Processing
2007-01-20 18:55:42.296875 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.375000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.375000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.375000 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Remote
2007-01-20 18:55:42.375000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.375000 [Info.][Config Main]: FireDTVRemote: Trying to enable FireDTV remote, but software not installed!
2007-01-20 18:55:42.375000 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:USBUIRT
2007-01-20 18:55:42.375000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.375000 [Info.][Config Main]: USBUIRT: Setting configuration control values
2007-01-20 18:55:42.375000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.375000 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:confused:erialUIR
2007-01-20 18:55:42.375000 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:WINLIRC
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:RedEye
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Direct Input
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Decoder Filters
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:MPA Decoder
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:DScaler Audio Decoder
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:WinDVD 7 Decoder Filters
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:MPV Decoder
2007-01-20 18:55:42.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.406250 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.406250 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:DScaler Video Decoder
2007-01-20 18:55:42.406250 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.406250 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.406250 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.406250 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:Weather
2007-01-20 18:55:42.406250 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.406250 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.406250 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings:plugins
2007-01-20 18:55:42.406250 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings()
2007-01-20 18:55:42.406250 [Info.][Config Main]: LoadSectionSettings() done
2007-01-20 18:55:42.406250 [Info.][Config Main]: Load settings done
2007-01-20 18:55:44.250000 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\windows\Dialogs.DLL
2007-01-20 18:55:44.281250 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\windows\WindowPlugins.dll
2007-01-20 18:55:44.390625 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIRadioLastFM.BallonRadio.gif
2007-01-20 18:55:44.390625 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIRadioLastFM.BallonRadioDisabled.gif
2007-01-20 18:55:44.390625 [Info.][Config Main]: GUITVCropManager: Started
2007-01-20 18:55:44.656250 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIRSSFeed.rssicon.png
2007-01-20 18:55:44.656250 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - WindowPlugins.GUIRSSFeed.rssicon_disabled.png
2007-01-20 18:55:44.734375 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\windows\XihSolutions.DotMSN.DLL
2007-01-20 18:55:44.734375 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\subtitle\SubtitlePlugins.dll
2007-01-20 18:55:44.734375 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\tagreaders\TagReaderPlugins.dll
2007-01-20 18:55:44.750000 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\externalplayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
2007-01-20 18:55:44.765625 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
2007-01-20 18:55:44.781250 [Debug][Config Main]: PowerScheduler..ctor: Init
2007-01-20 18:55:44.796875 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - ProcessPlugins.ExternalDisplay.lcd.gif
2007-01-20 18:55:44.796875 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - ProcessPlugins.ExternalDisplay.lcd_deactivated.gif
2007-01-20 18:55:44.796875 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - ProcessPlugins.MusicShareWatcher.MusicShareWatcher.gif
2007-01-20 18:55:44.796875 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - ProcessPlugins.MusicShareWatcher.MusicShareWatcher_deactivated.gif
2007-01-20 18:55:44.796875 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - ProcessPlugins.TvMovie.tvmovie.gif
2007-01-20 18:55:44.796875 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - ProcessPlugins.TvMovie.tvmovie_inactive.gif
2007-01-20 18:55:44.796875 [Info.][Config Main]: DreamboxTV: .ctor
2007-01-20 18:55:44.796875 [Info.][Config Main]: WebEPGGrabber: schedule: 0:0
2007-01-20 18:55:44.796875 [Info.][Config Main]: WebEPGGrabber: run on: monday:True, tuesday:True, wednesday:True, thursday:True, friday:True, saturday:True, sunday:True
2007-01-20 18:55:44.796875 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - ProcessPlugins.TvNotifies.Notifybutton.gif
2007-01-20 18:55:44.796875 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - ProcessPlugins.TvNotifies.Notifybutton_disabled.gif
2007-01-20 18:55:44.796875 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: load active image from resource - ProcessPlugins.Audioscrobbler.Audioscrobbler.gif
2007-01-20 18:55:44.796875 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: load deactivated image from resource - ProcessPlugins.Audioscrobbler.AudioscrobblerDisabled.gif
2007-01-20 18:55:44.796875 [Debug][Config Main]: PluginsNew: loadPlugins C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\process\Zap2itPlugin.dll
2007-01-20 19:01:18.296875 [Info.][2]: dbs:close:programDatabaseV4.db3
2007-01-20 19:01:18.296875 [Info.][2]: GUITVCropManager: Stopped
2007-01-20 19:01:18.296875 [Info.][2]: dbs:close:RadioDatabase4.db3
2007-01-20 19:01:18.296875 [Info.][2]: dbs:close:TVDatabaseV21.db3
2007-01-20 19:01:18.296875 [Info.][2]: dbs:close:MusicDatabaseV7.db3




Portal Pro
April 20, 2005
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Greeting Guys...

Ok, I have 2.2.0 installed. All was working well but I decided that I wanted to do a fresh install of Windowx XP Media Center. I decided to run Media Portal and have been very pleased with it. Before I did the re-install I have MP running with the Zap2It plugin. It pulled the data and everything ran fine...


You need a newer version of the plugin.
There are two, one is if you installed MP v0.2.2 and the other if you have
applied any SVN updates.

Check the first post in the thread Taipan linked to (also in my sig)



Portal Member
October 28, 2005
Am having similar problem. I accidentally installed the 0.2.1 version. Deleted it and copied the 0.2.2 version. But whatever I do, it still seems to load the old one, even though it's deleted.

What do I do?

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