0004223: Add Windows 8 as Fully Supported OS (1 Viewer)

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thank you, yes this has resolved the issue....pls mark this as the solution...
thank you, yes this has resolved the issue....pls mark this as the solution...
Description: upgrade to MP 1.33, now getting MP TV server configuration dialog box error, as below My SQL 5.6 is installed...
The problem with MP 1.32 was that the TV Server component was still 32-bit, even when you installed the 64-bit version of the MP client. MP 1.33 will have 32-bit and 64-bit versions of both the MP client and TV Server. My understanding is that it will not be possible to perform an upgrade install from a 64-bit client + 32-bit TV...
The problem with MP 1.32 was that the TV Server component was still 32-bit, even when you installed the 64-bit version of the MP...
This is on a windows 11 latest rev OS: This particular component has been very frustrating. I'm a new potential user, trying to...
MP1 MP2 1.32 Windows 11 support DE
Msoft May be you are working for Msoft and you have such informations ? It's not my case... And more since GetVersion() has been deprecated....
Msoft May be you are working for Msoft and you have such informations ? It's not my case... And more since GetVersion() has been...
Even if MP is working on Windows 11, both, SetupTV, TvService, MP config and MP client doesn't give the correct Windows 11 OS...
Isn't this normal? I mean perhaps you should first do some config before you can start using mediaportal?
Isn't this normal? I mean perhaps you should first do some config before you can start using mediaportal?
I recently move to Los Angeles, California and downloaded & installed Media Portal 1.32 pre Release, to find out the programs media...
Please check the wiki, which explains how to prepare and use MP2. If files are stored as mp4, mkv, avi, ... does not really matter.
Please check the wiki, which explains how to prepare and use MP2. If files are stored as mp4, mkv, avi, ... does not really matter.
I am running MP2 on a computer running Windows 10 Pro. When I start MP2 I see a screen displaying square images to the left ...
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