Operating System Can Mediaportal run on windows 7 embedded COMPACT? (1 Viewer)


New Member
August 28, 2012
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Italy Italy
since that MP can run on windows 7 embedded standard, we would like to use the smaller footprinted win emb 7 compact: does anyone know if MP can run on it? tks fg


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  • June 20, 2009
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    It's a not supported configuration. And the footprint isn't smaller anyway....

    The embedded flavour is just designed for people who create some kind of machine with fixed hardware and only running fixed software. Think any kind of POS terminal (e.g. ticket machines at a train station). It also brings additional support for software upgrade and other stuff. In the end you just run one app in kiosk more with specific hardware that isn't available on a comsumer level (read: built by you for this special purpose only).

    It has no advantage whats so ever for a HTPC. Win7 always have the same footprint. It just bringt additional stuff help you managed an embedded product. And other stuff is not included as not needed. It largely difference in licensing. It's cheaper compare to a full Win7.

    Win7 Embedded Compact = For Apps written in Silverlight. MP will not run on Compact like 90%+ of all Desktop software.
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