Does anyone know how (1 Viewer)



to simply add "BACK" button on each menu screen?


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  • April 27, 2004
    Leipzig, Germany
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    simply not possible (as in myHTPC) :? . You would have to make a new skin. But "ESC" should work on each screen...



    I guess I will try to modify one of the existing skins with permision of author. As I am planning to use MP in car pc enviromemnt, where everyone is having very small screens (typically 7,2", 800x480 pixels), I would like to create a new screen anyway with larger isons and redesigned menus for these who will eventually decide MP as car pc front end as well..


    mpattonm said:
    I guess I will try to modify one of the existing skins with permision of author. As I am planning to use MP in car pc enviromemnt, where everyone is having very small screens (typically 7,2", 800x480 pixels), I would like to create a new screen anyway with larger isons and redesigned menus for these who will eventually decide MP as car pc front end as well..

    I can see the need for a "back" icon in an enviornment like a car where it is very likely that a touchscreen is used. Then you really require it since you would not have access to a keyboard or remote for most of it's daily use. Especially in a car. So I think that would be a worthwhile feature. I know I would love to have a touchscreen with MP in a car. That would rock.


    Media portal in a car

    I'm running Media Portal in my car. I mounted a tablet PC (Compaq TC1000) on the dashboard. It has a screen size of 10.5" (26.67cm) diagonal.

    I'm using the default skin and it's working really well. The screen is not touch sensitive. It's only sensitive to the tablet stylus. It does have a convinient ESC button on top of it and a jog dial that lets me scroll through menus and acts as enter when I press down on it. I also have a firefly remote control in the car as well. I've inserted a thin strong neodimium magnet under the leather on the center console/arm rest and another magnet in the remote so it sticks to it and doesn't fall of when I'm driving, even in sharp turns. I'm using Girder for the interface between the firefly remote and MP.

    The whole setup is awesome. I did have some problems with playing videos in ver but I'm now using Zoom Player, heavily customized to act exactly as MP video does. It even shrinks down to the lower left of the screen on top of MP when I exit full screen.

    So yeah, using my remote in the car is even easier than reaching to the display and pressing on the screen. It's much more convinient, and because the remote is not IR based but RF, I can have it in my lap pointed in any direction, I can use it from it's home position stuck on it's magnet or people on the backseats can easily control everything.

    1. I'm using MediaPortal for Music, Pictures, Internet Radio, Newsfeeds, and Weather.
    2. I use Zoom Player for videos and movies.
    3. Also I have Street Atlas 2005 with a DeLorme USB GPS receiver for voice and screen navigation.
    4. And I have a Sony GC83 EDGE/GPRS PCMCIA card for wireless internet access. It's fast enough for streaming shoutcast radio and even video works nice half of the time!
    I use a VPN connection over that to the office so I can monitor the status of our network and respond quickly if I have to.
    I'm a network admin amongst other things so that's very nice to have.

    This all was a bit off-topic but I just wanted to share my expirience with MP in a car environment.


    Nice post!

    Two question thought:
    1) How do you navigate "back in menu" using touchsreen and jog dial only?
    2) How do you launch GPS apps from MP? Is there an "external apps" plugin?


    Like I said, I mainly use the remote control so the back function there is no problem. Also, I mentioned that the tablet pc has an ESC button (back function in MP) right next to the jog dial. It also has a TAB button. But with the jog dial and the ESC button next to it navigation is a breeze.

    As far as launching the GPS navigation I can do it two ways. I have adedicated button on my remote control that tells girder to start Street Atlas. I can also do this within MediaPortal. It comes with a plugin called My Programs. It's not on by default (I don't think) but you can enable it and it can run any application!
    One problem I had with it is that when you start an application, MP will basically freeze and wait for the application to finish before MP can function again. So I wrote a little program that I run from MP and as a command line parameter I tell it what other program to run. What my program does is it executes the program you tell it to, leaves the program running and immediately exits itself. This causes MP to "think" that the program it ran has closed and MP resumes normal operation.

    The program I made is called Execute and you can tell it what program to run before it terminates itself. You can also specify how you want the program to run:
    • Hidden no focus
      Hidden with focus
      Normal with focus
      Normal no focus
      Maximized with focus
      Maximized no focus
      Minimized with focus
      Minimized no focus
    (or something like that, I'm not sure anymore.)

    That's how I run zoom player as well. When I run Zoom Player I return control to MP and with Girder I make the navigation buttons to function with MP and the play/ztop/ff/rew/pause are sent to ZoomPlayer. That way I can have zoomplayer playing in a small window on top of MP, while I use it Ichecking the weather for example)


    Oh, I also use the "My Programs" plugin along with my execute program to start and stop my wireless internet connection.

    If anyone is interested in the execute program let me know and I'll upload it somewhere so you guys/gals can get it. It's a quick and dirty 3-line VB6 hackjob, but it works surprisingly well for me.

    It requires VB6 runtime libs which everyone these days has...


    That would be nice to have it! How big is it? Can you email it?


    The Execute.exe utility is 20KB. It's very small. It does require the VB6 libs however. The chances are you already have them.

    You can download it here:

    Run it without any command line parameters and it will show you the syntax.

    I can email it to you as well if you prefer. Just let me know where you want it.

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