Hi Cul8er,
Thank you for the new release.
Here is my feedback...
- On my 1080p screen the basicmenu has a one or two pixel see thru bug (see picture)
- In mypictures, using filmstrip layout, when selecting layout on the top menu the rounded thumbs change to squares
- There isn't anything selected when DOWN key is pressed on mypictures/filmstrip (and maybe others as well?)
I have some thoughts also;
- Is it possible in mypictures with icons/big icons layout to jump to the next row and leftmost icon when pressing RIGHT on the last icon in the selected row and vice versa? So we can keep pressing right to scroll through all pictures...?
- Could the 5 day forecast alse be shown when pressing DOWN from basicmenu?
- Is highlighting the default menuitem on the basicmenu in the dropdown list (dropup actually) a nice idea?
That's it for now, i love the six menu basichome!

Thank you for the new release.
Here is my feedback...
- On my 1080p screen the basicmenu has a one or two pixel see thru bug (see picture)
- In mypictures, using filmstrip layout, when selecting layout on the top menu the rounded thumbs change to squares
- There isn't anything selected when DOWN key is pressed on mypictures/filmstrip (and maybe others as well?)
I have some thoughts also;
- Is it possible in mypictures with icons/big icons layout to jump to the next row and leftmost icon when pressing RIGHT on the last icon in the selected row and vice versa? So we can keep pressing right to scroll through all pictures...?
- Could the 5 day forecast alse be shown when pressing DOWN from basicmenu?
- Is highlighting the default menuitem on the basicmenu in the dropdown list (dropup actually) a nice idea?
That's it for now, i love the six menu basichome!