hello follower ;)
further informations about the new skincan be read here: https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/threads/skin-projectone-release-soon.126401/
the first release of the skin follows soon.
hello follower ;)
further informations about the new skincan be read here...
I "currently working" on modifications of the brilliant x-factor skin. Now it's time to show the community something about it...
Hello All.
The skin is very, very nice (especially the basic home concept is (y) and totally :love:) , but one thing is annoying and it keeps me from using it:
My music is well organized and sorted with a folder for the artist and inside are lying all albums as folders.
- When I now go to My Music the standard view is Album view...
Hello All.
The skin is very, very nice (especially the basic home concept is (y) and totally :love:) , but one thing is annoying...
Hi cul8er,
This is the first time i give your skin a go... i'm really impress !
Smooth, easy to configure, really hightly...
1. When a movie is selected in Moving Pictures the description appears and will scroll upwards if it doesn't fit on the screen (which is 90% of the time.
Is there any way to slow down the scroll speed as it's impossible to read it all and I end up having to wait until it loops round?
I thought this question should be posted here...
1. When a movie is selected in Moving Pictures the description appears and will scroll upwards if it doesn't fit on the screen...
1. When a movie is selected in Moving Pictures the description appears and will scroll upwards if it doesn't fit on the screen...
I'm new here and in the HTPC/Mediaportal world. So be gentle.
First let me say the skin is great. It's fits great to my family and I enjoy using it.
Now the questions:
1. From what I read in the forum the only way to expand the OSD during video display is 'y' (to display minimal) and then twice 'up arrow' to expand it. Is...
I'm new here and in the HTPC/Mediaportal world. So be gentle.
First let me say the skin is great. It's fits great to my...
I'm new here and in the HTPC/Mediaportal world. So be gentle.
First let me say the skin is great. It's fits great to my...
I opened a thread for a support request. Didnt think to put it here at that time. sorry.
Do you think you can help with a skin file? I think it is open sourced :) dont know for sure though.
LINK to original thread.
Link to the calendar plugin
I opened a thread for a support request. Didnt think to put it here at that time. sorry.
Do you think you can help with...
Please add new feature requests and bug reports here please!
Best Regards
Hi Cul8er. :)
Do you think it is possible to add support for the new Google Calendar plugin?
Maybe even for backdrop skin as well :)
Hi Cul8er. :)
Do you think it is possible to add support for the new Google Calendar plugin?
Maybe even for backdrop skin as...
Hi Cul8er. :)
Do you think it is possible to add support for the new Google Calendar plugin?
Maybe even for backdrop skin as...
Well, finally after a whole year we understand each-other :D
I actually use both. I found that sometimes rental movies weren't detected (because they are not the retail disc, because of the other movie previews etc) so I run both the Moving Pictures external player and multishortcut to cater for the odd occasion where the disc is...
Well, finally after a whole year we understand each-other :D
I actually use both. I found that sometimes rental movies weren't...
Hi there,
I have recently started using X-Factor and it rocks (especially the 1.1 beta bits).
I currently use HD Starter, but...
is it possible to show artist fanart (scraper) only in "playing now" and not in music list (like artist/album,...) ?
In music list i only want to show the fanarts stored in folder "Skin FanArt\UserDef\music"... any chance ?
is it possible to show artist fanart (scraper) only in "playing now" and not in music list (like artist/album,...) ?
is it possible to show artist fanart (scraper) only in "playing now" and not in music list (like artist/album,...) ?
AW: About the X-Factor Skin (R683)
yes of course, but at this time i'm just playing (and my changes are very small).
I think i found a solution... i just removed "<import>common.basichome.weather.xml</import>" from BasicHome.xml (hope this is the right way).
Perhaps and if you find some time it would be great if...
AW: About the X-Factor Skin (R683)
yes of course, but at this time i'm just playing (and my changes are very small)...
The concept of this skin is to make all options in MediaPortal available as easy as possible and this in an attractive way. I...
When set to "List View - Poster" in TVSeries things look a little off... the poster takes up the whole side of the screen top to bottom with no rounding of the edges, and the columns are in different places than where they are in the screenshots of the skin... it does not match the view of the MovieTimes plugin when set to the same...
When set to "List View - Poster" in TVSeries things look a little off... the poster takes up the whole side of the screen top to...
When set to "List View - Poster" in TVSeries things look a little off... the poster takes up the whole side of the screen top to...
AW: Community MODs
Hello all.
I've done a little hack today to get thumbs as backdrops in myvideo listview.
As I have lots of Clips, Dokus, Homevideos,... not covered by Moving Pictures or TVSeries I prefer to see what's the video is all about instead looking at "Independence Day" over and over again ;) So I modified the...
AW: Community MODs
Hello all.
I've done a little hack today to get thumbs as backdrops in myvideo listview.
As I have lots of...
Please post all community MODs here please. Let's all see how far we can push this skin ;)
Best Regards
This is for;
* MP1.1.0, 1.1.1 or 1.1.2
* Fanart Handler 2.2.3
See this thread for the MP1.2 compatible editor.
I also updated first post with this info.
This is for;
* MP1.1.0, 1.1.1 or 1.1.2
* Fanart Handler 2.2.3
See this thread for the MP1.2 compatible editor.
I also...
New Menu Editor Making X-Factor Compatible With Fanart Handler 2.2.3. Download the attached file. Extract it and put the...
Did you use the x-factor skin editor? It is available in Configuration > Plugins > X-factor something...
Here you can create your own custom menu.
Tip: You are free to include an shutdown/exit item in there... somewhere :) It is somewhere in the list.
Did you use the x-factor skin editor? It is available in Configuration > Plugins > X-factor something...
Here you can create your...
hello ! i am new to Mp and x-factor is one of my 2 favorite skins so far. I have one problem. Now that i have set up Mp how i want...
AW: "Ken Burns"-effect
Thanks a lot, you made my day. :thx:
I'll try to play with the values as soon as my htpc isn't occupied any more. (I assume, higher time-values will slow down the speed?!)
You've really done a great job creating this skin, keep up the good work!
AW: "Ken Burns"-effect
Thanks a lot, you made my day. :thx:
I'll try to play with the values as soon as my htpc isn't occupied...
Hi everyone,
first of all, I literally love this skin and I really hope, we get further updates (speaking of the upcoming...
Re: Is it possible to remove some entries in MoPi and in the integrated Movie Databas
Eh, mods, where are they? all i can see is a empty mods thread.
a link would be great.
but which xml, there are so many of them?
found it, but it is not looking good. i leave it the way it is
Re: Is it possible to remove some entries in MoPi and in the integrated Movie Databas
Eh, mods, where are they? all i can see is a...
I would like to see more of a movie description. Is it possible to remove the fields "watched, actors, authors and...
AW: Weather - Today's high?
weather.com does not provide min and max temp values for today. Only for some cities there are forecast values for today, but strangely they are not the same as the today values.
AW: Weather - Today's high?
weather.com does not provide min and max temp values for today. Only for some cities there are...
Hello. First off: GREAT skin, Thank you very much for your hard work ..for free! Open source developers never cease to amaze me...
Great work, I just moved over from streamedmp and am very very happy. Thanks so much.
I have a question, how come the list in listview is on the righthand side in movingpictures but is in the center for TV series? is there a way I can edit this to make them both on the right hand side? I have OCD that wants them uniform!
Great work, I just moved over from streamedmp and am very very happy. Thanks so much.
I have a question, how come the list in...
Great work, I just moved over from streamedmp and am very very happy. Thanks so much.
I have a question, how come the list in...
I assumed you have thought of that. But the Basichome don't come up in the Editor.
An I think it has sth. to do with different paths from win7 64bit or the 1.1.ofinal build of mepo.
I assumed you have thought of that. But the Basichome don't come up in the Editor.
An I think it has sth. to do with different...
Hey guys,
I noticed a small bug when using the Xfactor BasicHome Editor.
According to the doumentation of the xfactor, the...
Me again :)
That depends on your setup.
Using MovingPictures plugin for movies (if not, highly recommended)?
Or normal MediaPortal video shares/database?
If you are not sure, you can tell how you saw them in other skin and what that skin is.
Me again :)
That depends on your setup.
Using MovingPictures plugin for movies (if not, highly recommended)?
Or normal MediaPortal...
Hi. I'm new to MediaPortal and I'm having trouble getting the home menu to change to what I want it to be. I have installed...