Yes. It doesn't allow shutdown until 5 minutes after the last service call (i.e. actions in aMPdroid or other clients also prevent the server from shutdown).
I have tested this.
What I have done:
First: I'm using PS, not PS++. My standbytimer is set to 3min and I have activates the MPExtended PS.
I have started MePo
Than loged into MePoExtended
Enter movie section and go to a movie detail page
After 3min after the start of my htpc it goes to standby.
My understanding of this feature is, that it should go to standby 5min after entering the movie page. Am I wrong?
Yes, you're right. I think you're hitting a bug here. It'd be great if you could enable extensive logging in the PS plugin, retry your tests and attach the logs here.
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