[new skin]pm3sexy169hd - pm3sexy 16:9 high-definition (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
May 17, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
uploaded v1.85.
until it gets approved for the files archive, get it here:

changed include:
* you will need to select "pm3sexy169hd-1280x720" in MP config after installing this version.
* all releases will now have resolution in the folder name,
making it possible to have multiple high-def versions installed at once.
all flat-panels have a native resolution, so this is a desirable feature.
* aesthetic changes to weather.
* fixed weird arrow bug on "sort" button.
* fixed basichome folder art glitch when moving between menu options.
* numerous aesthetic changes.


Portal Pro
May 17, 2009
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
uploaded version 2009-August-03 (version is now the release date).
changes are primarily to the overlays ( music, video, tv ).
the progress bar now works properly.
the "current play time / duration" are now both on the right, consistent with how they're displayed everywhere else.
until it gets added to the files archive, get it here:


Portal Pro
May 17, 2009
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
uploaded version 2009-August-13
As always, please clear your skin cache and restart Media Portal after installing this version.
This is an important update if you use the TV Guide.
The TV Guide has been properly repositioned and the background slightly redesigned to make room for more details.
Also some aesthetic changes.
Get it here until its approved for the files archive:


Portal Pro
June 2, 2007
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
honestly man this skin is getting better and better, i'm running it solo now, you've no idea how good it is that my missus doesn't text me every day saying she's broken the tv and can't figure out how to fix it.


Portal Pro
May 17, 2009
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
yeah, less is more.
the lack of extra buttons is better.
plus, i consider the "Television View" and "Theater View" buttons for MP-TVSeries and MovingPictures to be seamless integration of those plugins.

if i may brag a little, my skin also seems to be the only skin designed so that the overlays don't cover anything else on the screen.

A couple things:
1. On the home screen, while playing music, pressing right on the remote or hovering the mouse over the visual/albumart will show a big version of the album art.

2. I removed the logo from the home screen because the big oval logo didn't fit the page image.
It seems like the logo should go in the bottom-right, like a "station id" logo.
If someone designs a small logo that can go in the bottom-right beneath the home overlay (as shown in screenshot), i'll re-implement the logo asap.


Portal Pro
May 17, 2009
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
done with version 2009-august-15.
until it gets added to the files archive, grab it here:

* redesigned the "tvhome" background to allow more room for show description
* redesigned the labels on "tvhome" to show longer channel and show names
* redesigned "My Radio" and "Recorded Shows" - they still don't work right, but at least they look decent
* usual minor stuff

on the tv screen, the menu was reorganized so its more user-friendly.
if someone has a better idea for the menu, let me know.


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  • July 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Hi and thanks for this skin. It looks great and clean from the pictures.

    I've been looking for a setting to display this skin in 16x9 mode in home screen. Using any of the last 3 versions i get all screens in 4x3 format with a resolution of aprox 640x480 placed in top left cornerand the rest of the screen black. It also displays the words Plugins over the date&time in top right corner.

    Pressing the MP Icon on top left corner, with the mouse, brings the basic home screen correct in 16x9 mode. But only with the 5 basic choises. (TV, Videos, Music, Pictures & Weather) and not my other plugins (TV-Series, moving pictures, Online videos)

    What did i do wrong under installation or forgot to configure after installing the skin?
    Other skins work OK. (XFactor, XFace, PureVision HD)

    Running XP SP3, MP 1.1 Alpha.

    Thaks again!

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