[new skin]pm3sexy169hd - pm3sexy 16:9 high-definition (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
May 17, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
I'll answer them all:
* By design, this skin ONLY uses "Basic Home" home screen.
You will need to select "Start with basic home screen" on the General page in MediaPortal config to make sure it starts up properly.

* 'Moving Pictures' is discretely located in "My Videos" on the left side list of buttons as "Theater View". Clicking that will take you to the skin's custom 'Moving Pictures' page.

* TV-Series is discretely located in "My Videos" on the left side list of buttons as "Television View". I'm not done customizing that plugin, so if you don't like the way it looks, just drop in the default TV-Series skin files, clear the skin cache, and use those. The "Television View" button will still work.

* I have not done an "Online Views" skin yet, but it's on my list. I'll look into adding a button for it.

Ask in this forum if I can be of further assistance.


Portal Pro
May 17, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
no news is good news, i guess.

this skin is just that refined.

i'm going to devote some time this week to doing a better "MP-TVSeries" skin as well as look as integrating the "OnlineMovies" plugin.


Portal Pro
June 2, 2007
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New Zealand New Zealand
what can i say, all i use is TV Series, Moving pictures and Music, for my needs this skin is 100% perfect and waf accepted :D


Portal Pro
May 17, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
if anybody has any complaints about this skin, i'd honestly like to hear them.

if i get some feedback, i'll know what to work on for a new version.


Portal Member
September 29, 2009
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Sweden Sweden
I love this skin a lot but have two comments:
* Playing movies, the time reference is ugly in the latter part of the film. The references like "1:12:00/1:45:00" won't fit and the first part is on top of the two prallel bars indicating pause
* It simply doesn't show the recorded TV shows (which are there in the boring old blue skin)


Portal Pro
May 17, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
when i started on this project, to take over the abandoned project mayhem iii, the video playlist didn't work right. the recorded tv shows was also broken. i asked about how to fix those and never got a response from anybody. there's also no documentation to assist me in fixing those things and i don't have time to sit and debut through trial and error. when i get some time, i'll look at it.

the time reference bug only shows up on long videos. i had to make the original images wider manually in photoshop just to get them that wide. because all those images (they look like tags) are separate images and not one big image, it required making each image wider, copy/paste the right side of the image to the end, and then changing the picture's location onscreen in the xml files. that just needs to be done again to make them look right.

if you just need to see the play time while you're watching a video, you can also just press the "info" key on your remote (or whatever you have it set to on your keyboard) and you'll get a nice on-screen display with the current play time, duration, and a status bar. if you started the movie using 'moving pictures' plugin, you'll also get the movie's poster and the movie's description, which looks real nice.


Portal Member
September 29, 2009
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Sweden Sweden

It's key to say that the reason I care is that the skin is so slick - I really like it! If not, I wouldn't bother. I appreciate the good work but I´m totally incapable of producing anything myself.

Most films are over a full hour and if the counter is also over an hour you will inevitably see it. So it's not like this is a rare case that you only experience in very rare situations and only using a certain set-up - I see it almost every time I use the machine. It's not so much that I need the information as such, but more that it's an ugly flaw of something that looks nice all around it.

On the recorded TV, other skins have it working so isn't it possible to look in the Blue skin to see how it's done there? The Media portal news feel also talk about an upcoming skin editor, perhaps that can also be of some assistance? (https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/...request-here-48/there-need-skin-editor-69561/)

It's all about that when it's 95% perfect, it's such a waste not to go that extra few meters to complete it...


Portal Pro
May 17, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
It's all about that when it's 95% perfect, it's such a waste not to go that extra few meters to complete it...

what you don't notice is all the little things that got changed and fixed over the previous revisions. for example, i'm most proud that the preview "overlay" in the bottom left doesn't cover anything on any of the screens, so you can browse your media while playing something else. i think my skin is the only skin that's gotten that detail right.

the recorded video list is similar to the video playlist. if somebody will tell me how to fix it then i'll fix it. otherwise, i may not have the time for awhile to debug through trial and error.

i'm looking at the latest release of the skin from august 22 and it looks like i fixed those labels in the top-right corner. did you install the latest version of the skin? did you make sure to:
* close mediaportal
* completely empty your skin cache folder
* re-install the latest version of the skin
* restart mediaportal

the changelog.txt says that i fixed those images on 2009/07/20.
you will need to delete everything in your skin cache, re-install the latest version of the skin, and re-start mediaportal to get the wider images that fit the movie durations.


Portal Member
September 29, 2009
Home Country
Sweden Sweden

It's correct that I don't notice the improvements made over time. As I said I do appreciate the efforts and do appreciate the result, if it hadn't been for those few minor things.

It's not a local issue - I did download the end of August version and didn't try the skin before so nothing I said is a result of relic installations.

As I also said I am totally clueless on how to fix it myself, but I did download the new WYSIWYG Skin editor. I opened two instances of it and checked a few of the XMLs (tvrecorded.xml as one of them) in the Blue skin aside yours and notice some differences. I would say this could be a highly valid way of swiftly adjust the reasons why this doesn't work.


If there is anything I can do to assist I'd be happy to do that, but please mind I am totally clueless when if comes to any graphical design and I and equally clueless when it comes to how the skins are constructed, which means I have a huge threshold before I could contribute.

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