Recommended HDD! (1 Viewer)


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  • September 18, 2006
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    Hi guys, I just bought Samsung F3 drives and I'm really pleased how cool and quiet they are.


    MP Donator
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  • April 5, 2009
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    United States of America United States of America
    Glad you like your new drive it is getting some great reviews on Newegg. I ended up with the WD black and it is a great drive, very fast and less power then the 250GB WD it replaced, but slightly more audible then I would like for a HTPC.

    I would vote for the WD green 1TB WD10EADS but looks like WD just upped the buffer to 64MB and changed the part # again..Oh ya and of course that 4k sector change too...

    1TB Hard Disk Drives Roundup: 14 Solutions Reviewed (page 22) - X-bit labs"The WD Green Power WD10EADS will be the best and only choice for a quiet and cold home multimedia center."


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 9, 2005
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    Scotland Scotland
    Really not liking Samsung drives at the moment.

    I have three 1.5TB F2s that I need to run a full diagnostics on as they drop from both my RAID cards and the motherboard randomly. I also have a 500GB 2.5" Samsung that Windows 7 is warning me about on my netbook. Really not happy with them at all.

    On the other hand the four 1.5TB WE EADS drives I have are running perfectly in RAID-5, very quiet too.


    MP Donator
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  • September 18, 2006
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    Belgium Belgium
    Well I guess we all don't like a certain brand/type of disc after having issues with it but aren't you comparing apples with pears; spinpoint F2 <-> F3 and wasn't that a known problem: raid with F2?

    Even though things like raid become more mainstream, it's really a matter of doing some research yourself before changing hardware.


    Portal Member
    June 24, 2009
    Home Country
    South Africa South Africa
    Hi, here are my thoughts.

    Brand does not matter as match when you run Raid or some equivelent but certain things will always be important.

    Most manufactures are now going with a 3 year replacement warranty. I use to use Seagate simply because they had a 5 year warranty. It would be interesting to see how this has effected their business. Any way....

    I now run 8 1.5 TB Western Digital Greens and am so happy. They have everything that is important for this application:

    1. Allot of Space
    2. Price versus Space is very good
    3. Green version uses less power so you can save on power supply (I run 8 of these, 2 160gb drives, DVD-Rom, IMon Display, 8 Fans, 5 TV-Cards and 8500gt Graphics card on a RaidMAX 700w power supply)
    4. Very Quiet!!! With the fans at low speed the entire system is quieter than my old watercooling.
    5. Run Cool
    6. 64mb buffer has radically increased the read times comparred to the old 32mb drive.
    7. Reliable as all hell.

    Over and above this is my biggest tip. Get the quickest drive you can afford for a primary drive. For your shared folders think about how much space you think youll need and double it at least. Buy the biggest drive you can afford even if it means that you have to put off purchaing for a while. I have spent more money upgrading harddrives than possibly petrol in a year.

    Reading over this entry I realise that I have not really answered your question but hopefully it will allow you to make a better decision when the time comes.


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