Scraper request - [CZ] (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 10, 2009
Home Country
Czech Republic Czech Republic
Hi, could anyone help to use this g8 plugin with this Czech server ? My idea is to use texts from this server and covers and backdrops from default server ...



Portal Member
February 10, 2009
Home Country
Czech Republic Czech Republic
perfect, thanx, anyway if I could help, let me know (translations from czech, etc) ... georgeso published month ago script for default movie plugin HERE


Portal Member
February 18, 2009
Home Country
Czech Republic Czech Republic
Scraper script - [CZ]

I just finished first version of CSFD scraper script for great MovingPictures plugin.

Version: 0.1.0
Movie name should be in original or English language. Script pulls details from CSFD and IMDb:
  • pulls Title, Year, Directors, Actors, Genres, Runtime, Score, Plot Summary and Aka Titles from CSFD
  • pulls Writers, Certification, Tagline and Language from IMDb
  • pulls Covers and Backdrops from default servers
If the script doesn't find movie by name, try to enter CSFD movie ID as the search string. ID is part of movie page URL (e.g. for Bridge to terabithia is full movie ID 222335-most-do-zeme-terabithia-bridge-to-terabithia, but mostly 222335 will be enough).


  • CSFD.xml
    30.6 KB


Portal Member
February 10, 2009
Home Country
Czech Republic Czech Republic
hi all and many many thanks for all people witch are developing this great plugin, especially to fforde and trottel - your CSFD script is working fine and my wife is much more satisfied with my HTPC :)))

I have one question about the way to identify movie throw this script. To Moving Pictures works fine for me on more HTPCs whitch are sharing one storage without using sharing database I am using simple "help" - in every movie have their own directory and there is .TXT file with tt number from IMDB and other information about film from CSFD - only for my orientation. It means, when I have fresh install of moving pictures all movies are matched over IMDB number.

When I start to use trottels script, 90% of my movies was recognized well, but the rest I am not able to finish - exapmle is The Island (2005) movie - in the directory is TxT file with tt0399201 and original scripts recognize this movie okay, but when I start CSFD script, there is no match. What is the key ?

My idea is use IMDB number as unique identificator for every movie, is my idea right or better will be append to the TXT files some ID from CSFD to be trottels script able recognize 100% automaticaly ?

Thanks for help :)


Portal Member
February 18, 2009
Home Country
Czech Republic Czech Republic
Version: 0.1.1
  • Repaired retrieving Writers from IMDd.
  • If there are two different Czech titles (separated by "/"), the second title is used as first alternate title.
  • If the search result is movie details page, script now can retrieve right informations.
  • Increased limit for search results from CSFD


  • CSFD.xml
    30.6 KB


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
I have added this script to Moving Pictures for the 0.8 release so from now on it will be included with new versions of the plugin. Trottel, thank you very very much for creating this script. ^^ Just an FYI, in the future if you have an update for the script, the quickest way to get it to the development team for inclusion in the next release is via our issue tracker. Just create a new issue and attach the updated script. Although I would also recommend still posting here so people can grab your script in the mean time. :p

Again, thanks.

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