Yup, I have that in there, but it does not work so farNormally it should show this avatar: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\SKINTYPE\Media\Skype4MP\defaulAvatar.jpg
The buttons in the hidden menu to change your status, call the history etc.what buttons?
Well, did that now - no successPut it directly to Skype4MP and it will work
Actually I have no idea how to change the current user.
The way you try to start skype would have the advantage that you can have control over the focus, as MP would be the owner of the skype process. Anyway I'm not sure if skype will like this...
ah, ok. I called it defaulAvatar instead of defeaultAvatar.
Here is a new version with some more translations (just remove the lables from the skin file), I have corrected the filename for the defaultAvatar and added some error-logs.
I don't think that you will be able to run multiple skype-instances on one user-account. They will probably use some named mutex to check it. Maybe you can hack and and remove it, but there are also other methods to prevent multiple application instances...