Wow. Skype kit is greater and better than skype api. I think, it will be best solution for mediaportal.
Waiting for test version for Skype5. ) Good luck, fripsy
Sorry, but due to the vast amount of changes in the skin files, I can't compile a working version right now...
I could use the help of someone who is really into skinning, as I'm having trouble to create the skin files the way I want.
At first I need the Blue3 and Blue3Wide, but I'll also need StreamedMP, as this skin is used on my own HTPC.
Anyone interested, please contact me, so that we can team up.
I don't use a plugin, but use multishortcut to run skype as an option from MP Basic Home. Skype provides appalling support for hot keys, so navigating round the skype application using a remote is.... shall we say "sub-optimal".
I am able to achieve the following with the mouse:
- highlight the contact list section (using "ALT+1") and then navigate using up and down buttons.
- with a contact highlighted I can call then by pressing "ALT+A" which selects to dropdown call option list, I then press down to select "Call" and press OK (enter).
- Skype then has some limited hotkeys which are available under the Tools>Options>Advance menu to allow hotkeys to be assigned for "answer" and "Hang-up".
- I then quit by using the TSKILL command line to kill the Skype.exe process (since ALT+F4 only minimises and the application continues in the taskbar and so multishortcut will not then return to MP).
With the above config, I can run Skype, call someone, hang up and return to MP all from the remote control. If you configure to auto enable webcam, then the same will work for video-calls.
Clearly the above setup has limitations (loads). For example, if someone Skypes (is this a verb nowadays?) whilst I am using MP, then I am not on-line so they can not reach me. So it is only useful for pre-arranged calls. However since I have a laptop using the same account then this isn't too much of a problem for me. It is however, very useful for having whole family Skype sessions in the comfort of the lounge with a nice big video of your friend.
Not sure if this is useful to anyone, but thought I would share my work-around.
I would like to use a media server to display various learning categories. I prefer not to use software like Kodi, as it requires extensive metadata scraping that I don't need.
Is it possible to instantly access the video categories when landing on the page? I would like to display a single media page with the following...
I would like to use a media server to display various learning categories. I prefer not to use software like Kodi, as it...
I would like to use a media server to display various learning categories. I prefer not to use software like Kodi, as it...
Hi there,
since I changed TV and HTPC's CPU, I'm wondering if this guide:
could be considered still good today, since it's been almost 13 years since then and it's still referring to a resolution of 1080p?
I say this because I have a new Panasonic 4K HDR TV, and with that settings, even if I have an old Gygabyte GPU (bought...
Hi there,
since I changed TV and HTPC's CPU, I'm wondering if this guide:
could be considered still good today, since it's...
Hi there,
since I changed TV and HTPC's CPU, I'm wondering if this guide:
could be considered still good today, since it's...