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- #31
Actually I've got a single PSD for almost every gfx object. I'm no Photoshop guru and have never used ImageReady .Do you use ImageReady to export all of your png's? It would be a really good tool I think, just created slices of all buttons on one big .psd file, and have different colours schemes on different layers of the .psd. As the "Export optimzed as" will let you choose all slices in a .psd. Or do you have a more clever/less elaborate way? It will be very interesting to get to try the end result of you efforts.
Using PS CS4 atm, I would appreciate any advice/help with regards to what you are saying about layers/slices etc. perhaps you could point me in the right direction... I'd like to have one PSD for the entire skin and use global styles and batch "slice" exporting, but I know nothing about it
Totally agree with you on the dated/MCE 2K5/Microsoft comments about Indigo. Constructive critisim is not a bad thing It just started out that way... I'd like to change to the more updated MCE look (ie: Win 7) but I don't have acess to it. Perhaps someone could pm me some screen grabs that I could work from, maybe even a decent quality video of it in actionYou said you based Indigo around the MCE colour scheme and it does look very MCE 2005. It just seems a bit, well, bright and maybe a little dated?
I love the design but do you think you could maybe do something around Vista MC / Win 7 MC colour scheme i.e slightly darker blues, greens etc?