And here is the first "problem". Why do you install 1.0.0 ?3. Clean install of MP 1.0.0 with the SQL 2005 Express Option
Just run the 1.0.2 installer.
If you are talking about a upgrade of an existing 1.0.0 installatiuon. Then you must have skipped several steps in your description between "3." and "Everything fine, TV Groups visible."
- right after the installation -> there are no groups
- even if you do a scan in 1.0.0 or 1.0.1 -> there will be no groups
- in 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 it was required to enter MyTV to get the "all channels group" created at all.
- this is what has been fixed in 1.0.2.
Also please explain what you mean by "TV Groups gone" ?
Or please attach a screenshot (and LOGS !), because there are 2 possible meainings for "TV Groups gone".
Running the full 1.0.2 installer (so no upgrade) gives the same problems as reported in this thread.
Running the upgrade 1.0 => 1.0.2 gives the same problems as reported in this thread.
Running the upgrade 1.0.1 => 1.0.2 gives the same problems as reported in this thread.
I think he means he first installed 1.0 when it came out and he didn't notice any problems.
When 1.0.1 was released the tabs of the channelgroups (where you can sort your channels in your groups) were gone and they were still gone after the upgrade to 1.0.2.