TV Guide for Aussies (1 Viewer)


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  • March 1, 2005
    Newcastle, Australia
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    I must say I was confused about the -13 as well. I have added the suggested changes to the end of the minnie_tuhs_org.xml file and it now looks like this:

    <section name="Listing">
    <entry name="TimeZone">Greenwich Standard Time</entry>
    <entry name="BaseURL"></entry>
    <entry name="SearchURL">?page=rawstationday&amp;type=view&amp;data=#EPOCH_DATE&amp;data2=#ID</entry>
    <entry name="ListingType">XML</entry>
    <entry name="XPath">//programme</entry>
    <entry name="StartEntry">start</entry>
    <entry name="EndEntry">stop</entry>
    <entry name="TitleEntry">title</entry>
    <entry name="DescEntry">desc</entry>
    <entry name="GenreEntry">category</entry>
    <section name="Info">
    <entry name="GuideDays">7</entry>
    <entry name="Lang">en</entry>
    <entry name="Login">yes</entry>
    <entry name="TimeZone">Greenwich Standard Time</entry>

    Now the times all line up OK but is 24 hours in advance. ie all the programs for today 2/2/06 are shown against 3/2/06. Could it just be my config? Are others having the same problems? I will send you the updated xml files when this is sorted.


    Portal Pro
    August 28, 2005
    Hi All,

    Does anybody have a working WebEPG XML file for grabbing the data from I would like to grab both WA FTA and Foxtel. But what I really need is a working example of any AU Minnie config file so that I can learn the format.

    If you have FTA only for another city/state that's fine, I would love to get ahold of it so that I can start using WebEPG ASAP.

    You can send any working XML files to me


    Just thought I would let everyone know that I have the required files now, thanks very much for all of your help!


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    Hi All,

    The time problem with minnie_tuhs_org.xml, should now be fixed.
    I've added a lot of extra logging. So if you are still having problems please post a copy of your log to

    The log should look like this:

    25.03.2006 19:31:28 WebEPG: Starting
    25.03.2006 19:31:28 Loading ChannelMap: WebEPG.xml
    25.03.2006 19:31:28 WebEPG: Getting Channel 1 of 1
    25.03.2006 19:31:28 WebEPG: Opening AU\6-minnie_tuhs_org.xml
    25.03.2006 19:31:28 WebEPG: TimeZone, Local: AUS Eastern Standard Time
    25.03.2006 19:31:28 WebEPG: TimeZone, Site : Greenwich Standard Time
    25.03.2006 19:31:28 WebEPG: TimeZone, debug: True
    25.03.2006 19:31:28 WebEPG: ChannelId: [email][/email]
    25.03.2006 19:31:28 WebEPG: Reading
    25.03.2006 19:31:30 WebEPG: Listing Count 19
    25.03.2006 19:31:30 WebEPG: Guide, Program Debug: 19:0 - Battle B'Daman
    25.03.2006 19:31:30 WebEPG: TimeZone, Adjusting from Guide Time: 19:00 25.03.2006
    25.03.2006 19:31:30 WebEPG: TimeZone, debug                    : 06:00 26.03.2006
    25.03.2006 19:31:30 WebEPG: TimeZone, Adjusting to   Local Time: 06:00 25.03.2006
    25.03.2006 19:31:30 WebEPG: Guide, Program Info: 20060325060000 / 20060326063000 - Battle B'Daman
    25.03.2006 19:31:30 WebEPG: Guide, Program Debug: [0 False]

    If it doesn't then you are using an old version.




    MP Donator
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  • March 1, 2005
    Newcastle, Australia
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    Having problems since the latest changes. All programs that have started or are starting at the beginning of each day are listed for the entire day in the guide. Using cvs from 30-03.

    Log sent to as requested.


    Portal Member
    April 11, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    Is anyone having problems with WebEPG in the current SVN release (2006-05-29 01:00) fetching EPG data from

    I upgraded from a late 0.2RC3 SVN to solve some other bugs a couple of days ago, and yesterday it seems I ran out of EPG data. Now, (even after another upgrade to the current SVN) I'm finding that WebEPG duplicates the first channel's data for every subsequent channel, even though its logs indicate that it actually *is* fetching the right XML URL:

    29/05/2006 23:43:27 [Info.] WebEPG: Starting
    29/05/2006 23:43:27 [Info.] Loading ChannelMap: WebEPG.xml
    29/05/2006 23:43:27 [Info.] WebEPG: Getting Channel 1 of 7
    29/05/2006 23:43:27 [Info.] WebEPG: Opening AU\6-minnie_tuhs_org.xml
    29/05/2006 23:43:27 [Info.] WebEPG: TimeZone, Local: AUS Eastern Standard Time
    29/05/2006 23:43:27 [Info.] WebEPG: TimeZone, Site : Greenwich Standard Time
    29/05/2006 23:43:27 [Info.] WebEPG: ChannelId: [email][/email]
    29/05/2006 23:43:27 [Debug] WebEPG: Grab Start 11:43 PM 29/05/2006
    29/05/2006 23:43:27 [Info.] WebEPG: Reading POST:
    29/05/2006 23:43:28 [Info.] WebEPG: Listing Count 27
    29/05/2006 23:43:28 [Debug] WebEPG: Guide, Program title: Freshman Fall
    29/05/2006 23:43:28 [Debug] WebEPG: Guide, Program start: 14:35 - 28/5/2006
    29/05/2006 23:43:28 [Debug] WebEPG: Guide, Program end  : 16:30 - 28/5/2006
    29/05/2006 23:43:28 [Debug] WebEPG: Guide, Program desc.: A coed must gather irrefutable evidence of guilt after the student who raped her is cleared at a university hearing.
    29/05/2006 23:43:28 [Debug] WebEPG: Guide, Program genre: Drama
    29/05/2006 23:43:28 [Debug] WebEPG: TimeZone, Adjusting from start Guide Time: 2:35 PM 28/05/2006
    29/05/2006 23:43:28 [Debug] WebEPG: TimeZone, Adjusting to   start Local Time: 12:35 AM 29/05/2006
    29/05/2006 23:43:28 [Debug] [Debug] WebEPG: TimeZone, Adjusting from end Guide Time: 4:30 PM 28/05/2006
    29/05/2006 23:43:28 [Debug] WebEPG: TimeZone, Adjusting to   end Local Time: 2:30 AM 29/05/2006
    29/05/2006 23:43:28 [Info.] WebEPG: Guide, Program Info: 20060529003500 / 20060529023000 - Freshman Fall
    . [snip]
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Info.] WebEPG: Getting Channel 2 of 7
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Info.] WebEPG: ChannelId: [email][/email]
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Debug] WebEPG: Grab Start 11:43 PM 29/05/2006
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Info.] WebEPG: Reading POST:
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Info.] WebEPG: Listing Count 27
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Debug] WebEPG: Guide, Program title: Freshman Fall
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Debug] WebEPG: Guide, Program start: 14:35 - 28/5/2006
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Debug] WebEPG: Guide, Program end  : 16:30 - 28/5/2006
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Debug] WebEPG: Guide, Program desc.: A coed must gather irrefutable evidence of guilt after the student who raped her is cleared at a university hearing.
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Debug] WebEPG: Guide, Program genre: Drama
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Debug] WebEPG: TimeZone, Adjusting from start Guide Time: 2:35 PM 28/05/2006
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Debug] WebEPG: TimeZone, Adjusting to   start Local Time: 12:35 AM 29/05/2006
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Debug] [Debug] WebEPG: TimeZone, Adjusting from end Guide Time: 4:30 PM 28/05/2006
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Debug] WebEPG: TimeZone, Adjusting to   end Local Time: 2:30 AM 29/05/2006
    29/05/2006 23:43:29 [Info.] WebEPG: Guide, Program Info: 20060529003500 / 20060529023000 - Freshman Fall

    I don't know if this is related, but WebEPG wouldn't fetch any data at all until I modified the BaseURL and SearchURL entries in the AU\6-minnie_tuhs_org.xml file. When left at the installed default, WebEPG was forming the URL ..etc

    ..that is, it left out the '' script name altogether and was getting HTTP 403-Forbidden responses from the server.

    I've now modified the BaseURL to '' and the SearchURL to '/tivo-bin/' ..etc and the logs indicate its fetching the right URL, but the logs also show that it's using only the data returned by the first channel for all other channels.

    All this btw is in a clean MP 0.2RC4 installation with the 2006-05-29 01:00 SVN on top.

    FWIW, I've verified that the site actually is returning the correct XML for the specified channel. For some reason, it seems WebEPG is ignoring it and using the data it found for the first channel.

    Has anyone else got a problem with and WebEPG currently (or post-RC4?)

    Any help appreciated.. I'm currently flying blind, so to speak :)



    Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    Hi mowog,

    Thanks for the report. I'm currently away from home for then week. So will most likely not be able to look at this until next weekend.

    Until then you can use an old version of WebEPG. So that you can continue to run the latest MP version, you can run WebEPG in its own directory. This will require the tvguide.xml to be copied over at the end or a hard link to be created between the two directories.


    Edit: I found some time. This problem is fixed and will be in the next SVN build.


    Portal Member
    June 21, 2006
    Melbourne, Australia
    Any update?

    I've been working with MediaPortal for about 2-3 weeks now...
    It's fantastic, and I've ironed out about all my problems. (but just reading and learning from those that have gone before me!) 8)

    As it's been stated via various posts... AU EPG is a problem (no freely available one, besides the one from OzTivo guys).

    I've looked at D1 -- it's pretty crappy -- no details... just times/dates/showname.

    I'm keen to hear if there is any update on WebEPG.

    I'm also running the latest SVN Release version... Is there instructions on here getting WebEPG going in the SVN release ( 0.2 RC4 or greater)?

    I'm a newbie to MP -- so be gentle! :wink:


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
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    Australia Australia
    Re: Any update?

    strider said:
    Is there instructions on here getting WebEPG going in the SVN release ( 0.2 RC4 or greater)?
    Yes there is - it is an old version (rev B), but the steps are still relevant, and it can be found here.... :)

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