I've done a bit of an update, so at least some of the things are working again.
As the pages with the videos on it are quite different it's not easy to get them all in one go, so if you can't get your favorites working, just let me know and I'm going to fix them.
Yes there are! I'll give TV3 another go shortly - and I made quite a bit of use of this as I have an unsolved Mediaportal problem which causes recordings to fail.
I'm downsizing my big honkin' HTPC case to a mini PC, which means the tried and true Hauppauge Colossus card that bridges the set top box into Mediaportal needs replaced with a different solution.
I currently have HDMI from the STB to the colossus. Mediaportal is controlling the STB through a USBUIRT blaster and the blaster is...
I'm downsizing my big honkin' HTPC case to a mini PC, which means the tried and true Hauppauge Colossus card that bridges the set...
I'm downsizing my big honkin' HTPC case to a mini PC, which means the tried and true Hauppauge Colossus card that bridges the set...
I've updated dlls in first post.
Summary / Overview was always empty
Collections were not filtered to official ones
Studios were not populated
Fallback to english tagline didn't work
Score / Popularity now empty instead of dummy rating and unknown popularity numbers
Also I've tried to compile plugin against MP 1.34 x64 and...
I've updated dlls in first post.
Summary / Overview was always empty
Collections were not filtered to official ones
TheTVDB.com has movies in their API now.
API itself looks ok now so I decided to add TVDB to Moving Pictures. Check it if you...
You need to check the wiki for TVMosaic, you have recordings as source available once TVM is installed. And of course images and music are part of the NET6 version as for NET4. If you have issues with it further infos would be good.
You need to check the wiki for TVMosaic, you have recordings as source available once TVM is installed. And of course images and...
Make sure that your system (Windows, codecs and drivers) is up to date, matching the Requirements and you've filled in your System...