Vista and EVR support (2 Viewers)

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Portal Pro
July 1, 2007
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Sweden Sweden
@Laban: That's really good news (finally!). How is your experience when using EVR for TV? In my local build I fixed a few possible issues which would cause the picture to freeze or MP to crash, I think I will upload a new version tomorrow.

I've had a few crasches which i'm thinking is the problems that you're talking about. Could of course also be my crappy TT card which i'll probably get rid of. Going to order a Floppy DTV-S2 next week so we'll see how that works out. Unless someone here can convince me that i should rather wait a while and get a Hauppauge WIN-NOVA HD S2 and their usb CI module instead :)


Portal Pro
January 11, 2007
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England England

MediaPortal seems to think that it's PowerDVD 6 now which is strange but the CPU usage is around 15% so it seems to work nonetheless.

This is because the patch to PowerDVD 7 to enable HW acceleration for Nvidia 8500/8600 amends the name for the audio codec (it may be an error by Cyberlink).

Before the patch the name is "CyberLink Audio Decoder (PDVD7)". After the patch it is "CyberLink Audio Decode (PDVD7.x)"

MediaPortal code uses this name to identify if it should display the PowerDVD panel to show to enable tweaking of the MPEG2 and H.264 codecs. It is looking for "CyberLink Audio Decoder (PDVD7)" and after the patch it is no longer there.



Portal Pro
May 30, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
@ Eabin,
hmm, which .dll should be in 32bit ? you said msvcrt.dll, my system said the msvcr80.dll is missing ...
Where can i get a 32bit version ?

Thanks for checking ... :)


Retired Team Member
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  • September 18, 2006
    a day late, but here is the current update (source and dll included):
    *) changed the way surfaces are allocated, which resolved all stuttering problems for me (although 1080i will still result in 50 fps, but this is not a bad thing per se)
    *) maybe above fix does resolve the problems with autocropper too? at least i tried enabling it, and i could still see a picture.
    *) fixed a few lockups and picture freezes as stated a few posts back.

    @Dev-Team: the offer to join you is still very much appreciated, but i haven't decided yet. if i pick up another project once EVR is stable enough, i will definitely join you :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 18, 2006
    *) changed the way surfaces are allocated, which resolved all stuttering problems for me (although 1080i will still result in 50 fps, but this is not a bad thing per se)

    to get deinterlacing with powerdvd codec, i needed to set the following registry key:
    HKLM\Software\Cyberlink\Common\cl264dec\CLDeinterlace DWORD 1

    this definitely improves picture clarity (less nervous picture)

    you can check if deinterlacing is used for a 1080i channel, by pressing Shift+1 (thus, entering an exclamation mark) and checking the VMR9-FPS - it should be 25, but without deinterlacing it will hit 50.


    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    @ tourettes,
    using the Update from your link means an installation of a 32bit package. I am a littlebit
    afraid of messing up my system. Are you sure that it won't harm my system an only
    supports me the files i need ?

    @ Eabin,
    i tested your new .dll package, now no .ts files even starts to play.

    Do have a hint for me which 32bit .dll i have to use and where to get without
    messing up the system

    I would really like to use EVR :)

    O.K. i checked my 32bit VISTA system and found a 32bit mscvr80.dll and a msvcrt.dll.
    Until now i only copied the msvcr32.dll into the windows\system32 folder and the
    tool now finds the modul. There are still some errors ...

    Starting of a .ts movie still doesn't work, trying to play but nothing happens and
    MP remains controlable ... i copied all files from the new package into the
    mediaportal folder, is this correct ?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 18, 2006
    you just need to copy the dshowhelper.dll into the mediaportal installation folder. the other files are just source files.
    could you please attach vmr9.log (if you can find it, that is ;)) and mediaportal.log? i haven't looked at the dependency into msvcr80.dll, and if it is really necessary. will do as soon as time permits.

    edit: forget the part about attaching the log-files, as long as dependecy walker shows error, you won't get anything playing with this dll. but once this is resolved, you should hopefully get results.
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