Submit: Bug Reports (3 Viewers)

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First try to uninstall MP2.3.1 and install the latest version 2.3.2. It's always better to be on the latest version. If the problem continues, shortly report here. Your logs are full of errors, but I can not say what it is, somebody else from team would need to check.
First try to uninstall MP2.3.1 and install the latest version 2.3.2. It's always better to be on the latest version. If the problem...
Description: Sometimes i get a black screen, and i have to rescan the tv channels everytime this happens to back to normal to...
So maybe I've just overseen the bug in Jira. But the bug isn't a big problem as it only happens very seldom and you can still use MediaPortal, so I think i can live with it ;)
So maybe I've just overseen the bug in Jira. But the bug isn't a big problem as it only happens very seldom and you can still use...
Before you create this bug report: Make sure that your system (Windows, codecs and drivers) is up to date, matching the...
I'm now on 2.3.1 (fresh install) and the bug is still there. Filtering works, also the TV Channel configuration works as exceptet, its "just" the crash.
I'm now on 2.3.1 (fresh install) and the bug is still there. Filtering works, also the TV Channel configuration works as exceptet...
Description: I think I've found a reproducable Bug in MePo 2.3 TV Server Configuration, wich crashes the TV Server configuration...
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