
  1. G

    MP1 TV Server "failed to upgrade the database" using MS Sql Server

    Trying all afternoon to install MediaPortal 1.23 on a Windows 7 Pro x64 machine. The TV-Server Configuration exe stops with "Failed to upgrade the database" error. I ran it with "/Configure-DB" and the TEST is successful, so I know I am talking to the Sql Server. Further, it creates the MpTvDb...
  2. J

    Database schema

    Hi, I have two versions of the same movie (Cloud Atlas), one in English, the other in French. I am trying to translate the story plot of the French version directly in MP2 database (Datastore) using SQLiteStudio. I was trying to use the table M_PROVIDERRESOURCE to identify file's MEDIA_ITEM_ID...
  3. C

    How well can MediaPortal handle 10,000+ recordings?

    How well can MediaPortal continue to function when your number of stored recordings exceeds 10,000? I ask because my number of recordings with NextPVR recently exceeded 10,000 and the software has started running into all sorts of problems in its functionality because of that. I want to know...
  4. Saitan666

    MP2 merkt sich nichts...

    Mir gefällt Mediaportal 2, insbesonder mit TVE3.5 sehr gut! Einige Probleme machen mich aber fertig: Ich habe 2 Bildschirme (1x im Gehäuse, 1x PC-Bildschirm) und einen Fernseher (für Mediaportal). Immer wieder startet MP2 nicht am Fernseher sonder an einem der 2 Bildschirme... Die Filmdatenbak...
  5. Chris Melville

    EPG (both DVB and WebEPH) stopped working?

    Dear MediaPortal experts, I use MediaPortal TV server as a back-end to Kodi. Until yesterday, it was working almost fine (I think). I have both the DVB EPG and the WebEPG plugin enabled. I have never been too sure how these work together: I assume that they work in tandem, writing data to the...
  6. M

    where is epg stored

    Hello, i have been having so much fun with the epg, if i use xmltv its out by 12 hours. fixed the problem but now mp1 wont import the xml data keeps saying it is already importing. if i use dvbepg which worked fine for the first week but then all of the data was unreadable its like its using an...
  7. T

    4.2.2 works, 4.3.0 does not (for me)

    I give up, I have tried multiple times dumping the database and starting from scratch, and still TVSeries just dumps all my shows randomly, but more often than not after coming back from suspend. totally ignores the don't scan for changes, and seems to forget which path(s) it is supposed to...
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