I was not previously aware of the "Drive Free Space" plugin, and it is not easy to find. (There really ought to be an easier way of finding plugins.) There is this thread that introduces the plugin, and this thread that details some changes to the Titan skin made by Gary Martyn (from 2013 :eek: ).
I installed the plugin on my Aorus...
I was not previously aware of the "Drive Free Space" plugin, and it is not easy to find. (There really ought to be an easier way of...
I have a multiseat MP setup running version 1.33. I use the Titan skin and yesterday I decided I would update all my plugins on my...
I had the same issue and found the executable under
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Titan\BasicHome.Editor\TitanEditor.exe
Only the shortcut was missing.
I had the same issue and found the executable under
Hi all,
Not a rant, more a sharing of experience (maybe hoping to get some clarification on which wrong turn I took)
It has been...
The only changes I see are: Updated Marcel Groothuis version of the plugin to now support Media Portal 2.5
I can't say anything about the functionality of this plugin, I don't use TV Part, but if there are any changes that can be simply transferred, then I can try.
But I can't give any guarantees.
The only changes I see are: Updated Marcel Groothuis version of the plugin to now support Media Portal 2.5
I can't say anything...
I am a long-time user of MediaPortal to watch TV. I use the Media Portal TV Server as a backend, and Kodi (previously known as...