Calling all SELECTV users (1 Viewer)


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March 8, 2009
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I've started this thread in the hope that there are some Australian SELECTV users that might like to share experiences with SELECTV and MP.

Is there anybody out there? :)


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  • June 25, 2007
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    I successfully used SelectTV on a FloppyDTV-S card for about 18months; however I recently moved to Cairns and to a flat with no line of sight to the sattelite (stupid me).

    I hope to move again in August or worst case Feb next years so I'll renew my subscription then.. happy to say it all worked well and I do miss the service.

    Will monitor the thread incase there's any questions I can answer :)



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  • June 2, 2008
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    Will monitor the thread incase there's any questions I can answer :)


    Hi erosco

    I would miss the service if I lost it too. I enjoy the different sports on Eurosport and especially the WTCC. Do you use Vista or XP and can you tell me which codecs you used? I have heard of the FloppyDTV-S card but when I was looking for one I couldn't find any and could only find the Twinhan card available in Australia. Do you know how the cards compare?



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  • June 25, 2007
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    Hi Warren,

    I'm on MCE (which is basically XP SP2 - I turned all the MCE services off).

    Can't comment on the Twinhan as I've never owned one.. I'd do a search on these forums to see what you can find out. The FloppyDTV is solid and stable.. just make sure you use the latest drivers (well post Jan 08) as early ones stuffed up on ABC and SBS. Also, I found the Cyberlink Mpeg2 codecs best for OZ TV as the Nvidia caused stuttering.. don't know if that's still the case as I've switched motherboards to an AMD 780G (embedded 3200HD video). This works fine for me at 720p.

    Best of luck.. you can buy them online at digital everywhere online shop which is where I got mine (took about 2 weeks to deliver). At the time I thought it was the best on the market so went with it.



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  • June 2, 2008
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    I moved to Vista a few months back as I was getting constant resets when changing to certain selectv channels. I thought it could be a codec problem but could never nail it down. Also the sleep functions of Vista looked much better. Since moving to Vista I have only had 1 reset due to a channel change but I more than often get an interrupt error when the machine tries to sleep. I think it is my wireless card driver causing it so the next move is to run a cable downstairs.

    I saw the FloppyDTV card is listed as Multi channel decoding. Does this mean you can decode more than one channel at a time? That would be worth the cost of changing over if it is the case. Nothing worse than getting involved in a good show only to have the card hijacked by Mediaportal when it goes to record something on Disney channel for one of the kids :mad: lol

    I don't have an LCD or Plasma as yet as we won an LG widescreen a few years back and till it plays up I am told it doesn't need replacing. Fast action is a bit of a problem and I am constantly changing codecs to find the best. Getting more confused more than making headway I think! :confused:

    Hi Warren,

    I'm on MCE (which is basically XP SP2 - I turned all the MCE services off).

    Can't comment on the Twinhan as I've never owned one.. I'd do a search on these forums to see what you can find out. The FloppyDTV is solid and stable.. just make sure you use the latest drivers (well post Jan 08) as early ones stuffed up on ABC and SBS. Also, I found the Cyberlink Mpeg2 codecs best for OZ TV as the Nvidia caused stuttering.. don't know if that's still the case as I've switched motherboards to an AMD 780G (embedded 3200HD video). This works fine for me at 720p.

    Best of luck.. you can buy them online at digital everywhere online shop which is where I got mine (took about 2 weeks to deliver). At the time I thought it was the best on the market so went with it.



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  • February 8, 2009
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    Am using Selectv but via the STB and IR blaster into Compro E900F analogue - tried component but can't keep the signal so am forced to use composite. Been considering a Twinhan SP400 - is there any advantages other than no digital analogue conversion such as recording and viewing separate channels (eg same transponder) or not.



    MP Donator
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  • June 2, 2008
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    Am using Selectv but via the STB and IR blaster into Compro E900F analogue - tried component but can't keep the signal so am forced to use composite. Been considering a Twinhan SP400 - is there any advantages other than no digital analogue conversion such as recording and viewing separate channels (eg same transponder) or not.


    Hi motor,

    The picture quality is heaps better using the card. I originally had selectv using the same method as you but I wouldn't go back now that I have the Twinhan card. I can only use it to view/record 1 channel at a time but I notice that some cards can do more. Couldn't afford one at the time so I went for the cheap option in a Twinhan AD-SP300. I may update it one day but for now it is working fine.



    Portal Member
    May 20, 2007
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    I'm looking at purchasing SelecTV and a DVB-S card. Is it my understanding I need one with a smart card reader and just put the card they give me in that instead of using the STB?


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  • June 2, 2008
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    You will also need a cam to read the selecttv card. I got a Twinhan AD-SP300 and a cam at the same time and it set me back about $200. Was well worth the money I recon.


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