i can't 'get' to the 'now playing' overlay (that little box that's showing the movie if i've gone back to any menu while video's still running) with the remote control...
up just moves me to the upper toolbar, left or right don't work either...
this happens in any menu, using latest 219.
am is missing something?...
Hi ssip96,
There are currently no way to navigate back to the now playing overlay because I haven't found a common way to implement it. To get back to a plating video the easiest way is to go to basichome menu and then navigate to nowplaying (all the way to the left). If I find a good and common navigation path I will implement it for the now playing overlay in other screens as well but at them moment I have no solution. You can also map a button on your remote to enter fullscreen in the meantime.
best regards
you're the bestHi ssip96,
AEON is another thing. Here I think I can make a solution to the basichome. I will see and if I find a solution I will PM emphatic so that he can include it.
best regards