Watching a TV record, i didn't get the info bar (pressing y).
There is only the timeline by pressing pause or skip forward/backward.
Can someone confirm this?
First: very nice job on this skin! I like it very much.
I don't know if it is asked before:
When going to Recorded TV there is only two colums with the recorded programs and on the left side there is a big TV frame, which does nothing. Is this normal? I would like to have the screen just full of the recorded programs. Just like the Icons view in my pictures.
I can't place pictures right now, but I will if it enlighten things.
When I scroll through movies in Moving Pictures actors in the "starring" field are displayed very inconsistently. Some of my movies will have 5 top billed actors and it looks fine. However, many other movies have 1 lead actors name listed correctly and then only the first name of the second actor. Other movies only the first actor will be listed.
For example when I look at Old School in list view Starring says: Luke Wilson, Will
The only thing I am doing that could be considered non standard is running display at 1280x768 but I get the same problem running 1280x720.
Another thing I see is that the names of writers and actors aren't scrolling in the movie details window.
It could be realy helpful, if the Xfactor Configuration tool would load the settings of the current basichomescreen.xml on startup. Every time when you want to add or delete an modul to the menu, you have to build a whole one from the begining.
ok.... i see, i'm an f****** idiot. :-D
i didn't saw the save button
But i'dont start to build my own HomeScreen, because the first time i started the configuration it was empty and my opinion was, that there should be the current XML-settings (like StreamedMP tool). Thats why i thought the plugin only would create a new XML and disrember the settings on leaving.
The best would be, if cul8er would fill in the default-options at the first start of the configuration-Tool, or an button "Reset to default". Then the user could modify it much faster, then to build a whole Menu on his own.
not to sure about this but your mpinstaller setup doesnt work fully, also the gold stars need to be moved down a few pixels, they kind of overlap the line
Forget about this post, I've read in the other topic that I have to delete cache folder and that's all. Thanks again for all you effort cul8er!
Hi cul8er!
I've downloaded yesterday the new version of your skin and I'm having some problems with the list view of the plugin TVSeries. I don't know what's happening but the series information and the poster picture are in the same position as you can see in the picture I attached. I have the same problem in all the lists view of TVSeries, also in Season and Episodie view.
Am I the only one with this problem?
If not, what can I do to solve the problem? I really like the list view and I don't want to change to Filmstrip.
Thank you for your help and keep up with the good work, XFactor is awesome!
my answers to your questions:
I use MariaDB 10.5 and Mediaportal 1.33 x86 as a user, not an administrator.
MP. When I start Mediaportal, no TV service appears to have started.
If I start Mediaportal as administrator everything is ok.
Starting the TV service separately is only possible as an administrator.
If I then start...
my answers to your questions:
I use MariaDB 10.5 and Mediaportal 1.33 x86 as a user, not an administrator.
MP. When I start...
I updated to 1.33 today and I thought everything went smoothly except on restarting MediaPortal requests me to specify the IP...
Installing other software, especially MP1, which is partly sharing Tv service with MP2, can make everything worse. Please upload your debug log files, if you want to solve the issue.
Installing other software, especially MP1, which is partly sharing Tv service with MP2, can make everything worse. Please upload...
Before you create this bug report:
Make sure that your system (Windows, codecs and drivers) is up to date, matching the...