AW: Re: Feedack on 1.2 music changes
Hi jameson_uk,
perhaps there is something wrong with the default options in MP. It seems Mp does by a clean install not go to the default options then.
I think the way Mp has handled the muiscpart was perfekt and absolute intuitiv in 1.1 and before.
The changes in musicpart in MP 1.2 does make the things more complicate and not good usable.
I also not see any better doing things with that changes.
The music part has todo only some basic funktions, like drop on a song it should play and after that it should play the next song in folder (think that is most used funktion by playing muisc)
And having a fast used button to add songs to a playlist. Thats all what is needed in most cases i think.
That was perfect working in mp 1.1.
So i think important is that this basicfunktions does work after installing MP 1.2
Mp 1.2 should work exactly like 1.1 after installing without the need todo any changes in config.
Fo the smal group of users that will have there other options or funktions, that should be done by config if it´s needed.
Greetings Harley
sorry to say, but i personal do not like the changes on musicsection of 1.2.
The old behavior of musicsection (1.1) was much intuitiver then one we have now.
If you click on a song, mp should play it and after that it should play the next in the folder,
thats all, nothing to add to playlist or anything else. If i will add something to a playlist we
should us the "add to playlist" button on remote control or the "y" button on keyboard, like it was before.
Greetings Harley
The default options still do this, other than the jump to option there is no change to 1.1. pressing play or ok on a track will start playback on that track and then play through the rest in that folder. If the screen is changing to the playlist screen then this is the "jump to" setting in config which can be changed. If it does not do this then check that play mode is selected and the add all option is ticked
Hi jameson_uk,
perhaps there is something wrong with the default options in MP. It seems Mp does by a clean install not go to the default options then.
I think the way Mp has handled the muiscpart was perfekt and absolute intuitiv in 1.1 and before.
The changes in musicpart in MP 1.2 does make the things more complicate and not good usable.
I also not see any better doing things with that changes.
The music part has todo only some basic funktions, like drop on a song it should play and after that it should play the next song in folder (think that is most used funktion by playing muisc)
And having a fast used button to add songs to a playlist. Thats all what is needed in most cases i think.
That was perfect working in mp 1.1.
So i think important is that this basicfunktions does work after installing MP 1.2
Mp 1.2 should work exactly like 1.1 after installing without the need todo any changes in config.
Fo the smal group of users that will have there other options or funktions, that should be done by config if it´s needed.
Greetings Harley