keyboard, mouse, or remote to control MediaPortal (1 Viewer)

which is your primary control method for MediaPortal

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Portal Member
June 20, 2004
Schrauber said:
@KlereBak: What is the model of the IR keyboard you use? If its the same than I have, I could send some learned codes to you. If you cant learn.

Wow so many responses, thank you all.

I have a Chicony KB-0005 keyboard, it was the only one i could find for a reasonable price. And i did not have to travel far to get it. If you or somebody else has this keyboard and an RC-3200 or Philips Pronto maybe i can have the learned codes by mail?.

By the way i'm using it now to type this message, haha, three computers in the house and i'm using the one connected to the tv.


Portal Member
June 20, 2004
Schrauber said:
No, I have another model. Sorry.
Did you try the learning method I discriped?

Not yet, don't have the time for it today, i will try it later this week. Thanks anyway for your information, i will let you know if it works.


I hove i can use my Logitech DiNovo "Media Pad" in the future. Has anybody used it for MP?


Hi Poldi,
You have a nice keyboard/mouse/keypad combo there.
Especially the Bluetooth and LCD screen on the MediaPad. Although as the website indicates, the LCD screen may not work with certain applications/controls, which might limit the feedback/info regarding the control sequence for MP :D
As MediaPortal is designed to accept most keyboard/mouse commands as a standard input, there should be no problem using your media pad for controlling MP. The Logitech software usually allows remapping commands from keycodes, so you may have to set up some special maps to realize all the features of MP on your keypad. Best way is to D/L MediaPortal, and try it out.
In the \Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Docs Folder on your installation you will find a Keymapping.txt file that will help you understand the control of MP. If you want to change how MP responds to your keypad input, there is a keymap.xml that you can edit to do so, in the MediaPortal root folder.


I'm using my gamepad (Playstation controller + USB adapter) to control Mediaportal, since no built-in support for gamepads is present, i created my own simple program for this. It sends defined keys to Mediaportal and it is working well.
But it would be neat to have built-in gamepad support so no external program is needed. One thing to remember is that since i, and probably others are using the gamepad to control games, started with My Programs, MediaPortal can't be using to the pad when a game, or external program is running on top of it.

Maby some function in My Programs that remembers which program it has started and while that program is running, the gamepad wont have any effect on MediaPortal... or something...


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  • April 22, 2004
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    well, make a patch for mediaportal in a way that other gamepads can easily be added etc (so not just code that suits only your pad) and we can integrate it.


    I have started to use XP Media Center since it has support for my remote. It works like a charm. My selection of HTPC has a couple of key things that needs to fall into place, features and remote support. The day that MP has a no hassle, no third party, not tons of configuration approach to the remote issue it will get back onto the HTPC machine but until then I will stick with MCE eaven though I like the features in MP better.

    I have tried MP and I really do love it but that is if I use it with a keyboard and mouse on my workstation, when trying to controle it on the tv with a remote it just bores the hell out of me to start using girder and stuff to get it running properly.

    But I am not worried, sooner or later this community will probably cover implementation of the remotes that are out there.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
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    I have 3 remotes
    Took me 5 minutes per remote to setup 3 months ago
    never had any hassle anymore.

    Anyway, there is work being done for an open system of setting up IR.
    But you will always have to redefine your keys. As we do not know how many button one has.

    to be continued


    I have voted remote controll. I am currently using Showshifter and are quite happy but I am always ready for something new and MP looks like it could be something I should try out. BUT as I am using Marmitek X10 remote I would appreciate if it is possible to use this WITHOUT using Girder. Unless you can supply a file with all functions and an easy setup.


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