I'm having some issues with funny codes in my epg listings, where <br> is scattered all over the program data such as in the description field.
Anybody knows how to solve this?
I get the same issue too, since i changed grabbers.
I think WebEPG is handling everything correctly and replacing certain codes with their equivalent, but mp doesn't change them back when displaying them.
EG, < is the > character, > is < and & is &
I'm using the danish grabber TVGG which creates a tvguide.xml just as xmltv does. I have recently switched from old to the new tv engine. There wasn't these problems with the old one, so I gather it has to do with the new xmltv importer?
thank you Sir, issue is definitely resolved now, i uninstalled the problematic MSE altogether, plus i also now have optimized EPG grabbing configuration, thanks again for all the assistance, wow so much faster on everything now that MSE is out of the picture...MP WAF is now restored and FetchTV STB sits in the corner collecting dust :)
thank you Sir, issue is definitely resolved now, i uninstalled the problematic MSE altogether, plus i also now have optimized EPG...
Long time MP user, and recently upgraded to MP1.34, prior to this upgrade, i have for many years successfully used MP with fast and...
Thanks CyberSimian, I was afraid my memory was faulty regarding that. On the plus side I played around with powershell last night and got a semi-working solution going.
Thanks CyberSimian, I was afraid my memory was faulty regarding that. On the plus side I played around with powershell last night...
I'm using XMLTV with Schedules Direct for my epg data. I am almost positive that in the past, Movie descriptions also included the...
Thank you for performing this test, and confirming @joecrow 's suspicion as to the cause of the problem.
In principle the same problem exists with other EPG sources, such as the broadcast EPG that I use with DVB-T/T2. When a programme first appears in the EPG (7 days ahead of its broadcast time), some programmes have a generic...
Thank you for performing this test, and confirming @joecrow 's suspicion as to the cause of the problem.
In principle the same...
TV Server 1.25. Windows 10.
This has been an issue for many years, if not since inception, and I hoped it would be resolved...