Making the Swedish translation better (4 Viewers)


Portal Member
January 17, 2008
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
It has to be "Trailers" becuase "Trailrar" is only used in vehicledescription as far as I can tell from the link you gave.
So i guess my first instinct was the right one :D

Anyhow, it really doesn´t matter but we want ot to be as good as possible right?
I´m just lucky that i don´t need to translate the whole MP, I did the translation for minhembio from english to swedish så if you have anyhing to complain about there it my fault! :D
Anyway, it´s fun to help out to make MP as good as it can be!


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  • March 25, 2006
    Stockholm, Sweden
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    Sweden Sweden
    It has to be "Trailers" becuase "Trailrar" is only used in vehicledescription as far as I can tell from the link you gave.
    So i guess my first instinct was the right one :D

    Anyhow, it really doesn´t matter but we want ot to be as good as possible right?
    I´m just lucky that i don´t need to translate the whole MP, I did the translation for minhembio from english to swedish så if you have anyhing to complain about there it my fault! :D
    Anyway, it´s fun to help out to make MP as good as it can be!


    Just found a very useful link with recommendations of computer term translations:
    Svenska datatermgruppen


    Portal Member
    July 12, 2007
    I don't like the translations that uses capital letters in the beginings of every word also made some other changes. Compare with the current translation and choice the one you think is best:

    495 : Sort options : Sorteringsalternativ
    499 : Views menu : Vy meny
    1067 : Very High : Mycket hög
    1068 : HiDef : Högupplöst
    1113 : Skip conflicting episode(s) : Skippa överlappande avsnitt
    1192 : Use VMR9 for Web Streams : Använd VMR9 för internetvideo
    1193 : Enable GUI Sound Effects : Aktivera ljudeffekter
    1194 : Start with Basic Home : Starta med förenklad meny
    1195 : Enable GUI Mouse Control : Aktivera GUI muskontroll
    1196 : Enable Subtitles : Aktivera textning
    1197 : Turn off DXVA : Inaktivera DXVA
    1198 : DVD Navigator : DVD navigering
    1300 : (My ) TV Shows : (Mina ) TV-program
    1500 : Unable to start timeshifting : Kan inte starta timeshift
    1501 : Card is disabled : Kortet är inaktiverat
    1502 : No free card available : Alla TV-kort är upptagna
    1505 : Unable to start graph : Kan inte starta graf
    1510 : Connection to TV service lost : Tappade anslutningen till tv-servern
    1513 : Timeshifting stopped due to a scheduled\rrecording : Timeshift stoppad pga\ren schemalagd inspelning
    6027 : of the master TV service : på huvud TV-servern
    13032 : Most Launched : Mest använt
    13033 : Most Recently Launched : Senast använt
    13041 : Show File Info : Visa filinformation
    19120 : Filter Candidates : Filtrera kandidater
    19133 : Add/Remove Candidate : Lägg till/Ta bort kandidat
    19148 : Assistance : Assistans
    40001 : Waiting for Standby : Väntar på viloläge
    40002 : MediaPortal is unattended but still busy.
    40003 : When all current tasks are finished MediaPortal will go to standby mode. : Mediaportal stängs ner i viloläge när alla uppgifter är slutförda.
    100035 : Basic home : Enkel meny
    100509 : Music/Lookup/Progress : Musik/Uppslagning/Fortskridande
    100708 : Skip step settings : Inställningar av hoppsteg
    106666 : Power Scheduler Waiting : Power Scheduler Väntar
    200039 : Add skip step : Lägg till hoppsteg
    200040 : Remove skip step : Ta bort hoppsteg
    200041 : Tuning details : Visa kanalinställningar
    200042 : Linked channels : Sammanslagna kanaler
    200043 : Cleanup Recordings : Rensa inspelningar
    200045 : Watched and Invalid Recordings : Sedda och ogiltiga inspelningar


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 2, 2006
    Växjö, Sweden
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden

    Now i think i have added all changes in SweMarts post (#78)

    I have now gone through the swedish string file for all strings that are not translated.
    Here is a list:

    <String id="285">Deinterlace filter</String>
    <String id="286">Postprocessing filter</String>
    <String id="311">Dering</String>
    <String id="354">Matrix Trails</String>
    <String id="364">DD/DTS Multichannel Passthrough</String>
    <String id="470">Credits</String>
    <String id="471">Modchip</String>
    <String id="472">OSD-timeout</String>
    <String id="473">High Quality Resampling</String>
    <String id="1192">Use VMR9 for Web Streams</String>
    <String id="2007">Yield</String>
    <String id="33008">There is no playlist active</String>
    <String id="33009">to insert or add the track!</String>
    <String id="33010">Automatically fill playlist with</String>
    <String id="33011">similar tracks</String>
    <String id="33012">tracks your neighbours like</String>
    <String id="33013">tracks suiting configured tag</String>
    <String id="33014">tracks played recently</String>
    <String id="33016">tracks your friends like</String>
    <String id="33017">random tracks</String>
    <String id="33018">random unheard tracks</String>
    <String id="33019">random favorite tracks</String>
    <String id="33030">Top album tracks</String>
    <String id="33031">Other tracks tagged with: </String>
    <String id="33040">Copy now playing spam to clipboard</String>
    <String id="33041">Add this album to playlist</String>
    <String id="34000" prefix="My "></String>
    <String id="34001">Start / Change stream</String>
    <String id="34013">Discovery mode</String>
    <String id="34014">Submit to profile</String>
    <String id="34020">Current stream: </String>
    <String id="34030">No tags</String>
    <String id="34040">Recommendation radio</String>
    <String id="34041">Tune into chosen Tag: </String>
    <String id="34042">No tag has been chosen yet</String>
    <String id="34043">Personal radio of: </String>
    <String id="34044">Loved tracks of: </String>
    <String id="34045">No Friend has been chosen yet</String>
    <String id="34046">My personal radio</String>
    <String id="34047">My loved tracks</String>
    <String id="34048">My neighbour radio</String>
    <String id="34049">Min webb spellista</String>
    <String id="34050">No stream active</String>
    <String id="34051">Stream ended!</String>
    <String id="34052">No more content or bad connection</String>
    <String id="34053">Playback of selected stream failed</String>
    <String id="34054">Radio handshake failed!</String>
    <String id="34055">Streams might be temporarily unavailable</String>
    <String id="40002">MediaPortal is unattended but still busy.</String>
    <String id="40003">When all current tasks are finished MediaPortal will go to standby mode.</String>
    <String id="200039">Add skip step</String>
    <String id="200040">Remove skip step</String>
    <String id="200041">Tuning details</String>

    Do you have some good translations for these?


    Portal Member
    January 17, 2008
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    <String id="33008">Det finns ingen aktiv spellista</String>
    <String id="33010">Fyll spellistan automatiskt med</String>
    <String id="33011">Liknande spår</String>
    <String id="33014">nyligen spelade spår</String>
    <String id="33017">blandade spår</String>
    <String id="33018">blandade olyssnade spår</String>
    <String id="33019">blandade favoritspår</String>
    <String id="33030">Topp albumspår</String>
    <String id="33031">Andra spår taggade med: </String>
    <String id="33041">Lägg till album till spellista</String>
    <String id="34000" prefix="Min "></String>
    <String id="34013">Upptäcksläge</String>
    <String id="34014">Lägg till i profil</String>
    <String id="34030">Inga taggar</String>
    <String id="34049">Min webb spellista</String>
    <String id="34052">Inget mer innehåll eller dålig anslutning</String>

    Got a few of them translated.
    Should we translate "tracks" with SPÅR ot LÅTAR?
    In some case LÅTAR sounds better but then sometimes SPÅR makes more sense.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 20, 2008
    Home Country
    Finland Finland
    Hello, and thanks for making the translation better!
    I was just wondering when are these changes added to svn? I installed the latest SVN today (mediaportal-svn-05-16-2008--23-38-Rev19127) but the strings translated in this forum are still not translated when I look in mediaportal log. For example String not found, using English: 495 : Sort options, which is in the list of translated strings in SweMarts post (#78).


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