SweMart, is 6011 realy correct ?
SweMart, is 6011 realy correct ?
105900: (Mina ) Trailrar
Sounds better then trailers as I wrote before.
It has to be "Trailers" becuase "Trailrar" is only used in vehicledescription as far as I can tell from the link you gave.
So i guess my first instinct was the right one
Anyhow, it really doesn´t matter but we want ot to be as good as possible right?
I´m just lucky that i don´t need to translate the whole MP, I did the translation for minhembio from english to swedish så if you have anyhing to complain about there it my fault!
Anyway, it´s fun to help out to make MP as good as it can be!
<String id="285">Deinterlace filter</String>
<String id="286">Postprocessing filter</String>
<String id="311">Dering</String>
<String id="354">Matrix Trails</String>
<String id="364">DD/DTS Multichannel Passthrough</String>
<String id="470">Credits</String>
<String id="471">Modchip</String>
<String id="472">OSD-timeout</String>
<String id="473">High Quality Resampling</String>
<String id="1192">Use VMR9 for Web Streams</String>
<String id="2007">Yield</String>
<String id="33008">There is no playlist active</String>
<String id="33009">to insert or add the track!</String>
<String id="33010">Automatically fill playlist with</String>
<String id="33011">similar tracks</String>
<String id="33012">tracks your neighbours like</String>
<String id="33013">tracks suiting configured tag</String>
<String id="33014">tracks played recently</String>
<String id="33016">tracks your friends like</String>
<String id="33017">random tracks</String>
<String id="33018">random unheard tracks</String>
<String id="33019">random favorite tracks</String>
<String id="33030">Top album tracks</String>
<String id="33031">Other tracks tagged with: </String>
<String id="33040">Copy now playing spam to clipboard</String>
<String id="33041">Add this album to playlist</String>
<String id="34000" prefix="My ">Last.fm</String>
<String id="34001">Start / Change stream</String>
<String id="34013">Discovery mode</String>
<String id="34014">Submit to profile</String>
<String id="34020">Current stream: </String>
<String id="34030">No tags</String>
<String id="34040">Recommendation radio</String>
<String id="34041">Tune into chosen Tag: </String>
<String id="34042">No tag has been chosen yet</String>
<String id="34043">Personal radio of: </String>
<String id="34044">Loved tracks of: </String>
<String id="34045">No Friend has been chosen yet</String>
<String id="34046">My personal radio</String>
<String id="34047">My loved tracks</String>
<String id="34048">My neighbour radio</String>
<String id="34049">Min webb spellista</String>
<String id="34050">No stream active</String>
<String id="34051">Stream ended!</String>
<String id="34052">No more content or bad connection</String>
<String id="34053">Playback of selected stream failed</String>
<String id="34054">Radio handshake failed!</String>
<String id="34055">Streams might be temporarily unavailable</String>
<String id="40002">MediaPortal is unattended but still busy.</String>
<String id="40003">When all current tasks are finished MediaPortal will go to standby mode.</String>
<String id="200039">Add skip step</String>
<String id="200040">Remove skip step</String>
<String id="200041">Tuning details</String>