Watching Live TV (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 6, 2013
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Home Country
Canada Canada

I've installed MP+Haupauge 2250. I'm scanning tv channels and can find a few (as wintv does) but when I'm going to the client and clicking on tv nothing is happening.

Please help!


Portal Member
March 6, 2013
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Home Country
Canada Canada
Weird things happening here. I removed both MySql and MP and installed them again. Now I do have the TV in my menu and can change the channel etc. I have not installed the antenna on the rooftop yet, but one of the channels is giving good reception while the other ones are slow to appear on tv and very slow in response to commands
This is a cause of concern to me now: is it because of reception and will go away when I have my outdoor antenna , or is it the processing speed of my video card/computer which is not fast enough.


Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 1, 2010
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    We don't know, as you've given us the symptoms but told us nothing about the patient!->

    MePo run's very effectively on very modest hardware hence most likely problem is simply the signal strength - you have one good channel, very high signal level, but your tuner will be working hard to pull the other channel from background noise.

    Update your USERINFO, if problem's persist once you have external antenna, post logs - the more we know the more likely it is we can help.

    Good luck with antenna - it may all just work once you have good signal to and you can progress the wiki entry on the Canadian Experience.

    TTFN - JCMP.


    Portal Member
    March 6, 2013
    Richmond Hill, Ontario
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    Hi Jim, thanks a lot for answering my question.
    I guess I'm a bit overwhelmed with MP and how to set it up properly. I spent my whole weekend on this, and now I realise more time is needed to to bring it to a point that I had in mind when I first decided to use it.
    I still need to work on the EPG, and IR remote, because they are now working either.
    I'll sure write back in the forum if had any question, and at the end of this journey :) I'll transfer it to Canada's Wiki page.



    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 1, 2010
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Ok mate - get your IR going 1st (makes life so much easier:), as if you have standard hardware, it should be quite simple.

    EPG - more of a problem and not one I can help with - over the air Freeview here, but suspect your 1000 miles + out of range:)

    Good luck & keep it up - worth the effort in the long run.

    Cheers - JCMP


    New Member
    April 10, 2013
    Winfield, Alabama
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    This Mediaportal stinks. I have worked for 2 days and still have errors that don't seem to matter but causes crashes and will not allow me to turn on my TV. One error is My Tv-Unknown. What is My-TV anyway?


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 1, 2010
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    No, it doesn't stink for 1000's of people across the world, so lets take a step back.

    You say "will not allow me to turn on my TV" - I assume you mean start the TV element of the system [My TV] - if your TV really won't turn on, it's not MediaPortal that's the problem:eek:

    There are lots of people on this forum who routinely help with problems, but you need to provide some information 1st.

    1) Your PC - what Operating system are you using?
    2) How is the TV signal getting to your PC - tuner card in the PC, separate TV server and over your network?
    3) Can you generate logs from the system and post them here ( - will tell you how to create the logs).

    You need to help us to help you.

    Cheers - JCMP.

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