albumart not displayed (1 Viewer)


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  • April 7, 2005
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    Sorry for the effort but could you please try exactly the same with this build again?

    EDIT: Please stay tuned - that build still doesn't work correctly


    Portal Pro
    February 28, 2007
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    France France
    Sorry rtv if you feel that I was not kind, it was not my intention not being correct with you, I respect too much the job that all developers do for all of us, and I really apreciate your help ...and MP (that is what I would like it as perfect as possible!)
    So excuse me.

    When I am in the share view, I only have a listing of all my tracks, this is normal because I don't use any folder. For each track the cover art is correctly displayed in this view.

    When I use the database, I select the following view: artist, then album and then tracks.
    The artist view is ok, I can see a picture of the artist that MP download from the internet, in the album view the cover art is missing but is shown in the track view. The database (apart the cover art view) is working fine because all the tracks of the same album are correctly classified in the same folder that has the album name, and everything else is working (search by genre, by artist,etc...)


    Portal Pro
    February 28, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    I just tried your new SVN: strange behaviour

    With it I can now see the cover art for SOME of the albums, but the track icons are not shown anymore, even for the albums with cover art!


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 7, 2005
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    Portal Pro
    February 28, 2007
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    France France
    I am really sorry, but with SVN 16161 I cannot see anything: now the cover arts are no more displayed in "tracks" as they were before. I checked: the cover arts are all in thumbs/music/album folder.
    I desinstalled MP, did a new clean install.

    After that I installed again SVN 16122 and the cover arts were all displayed in "tracks", but not in "albums" so that I reproduced the initial situation.

    Well, it doesn't matter, I understand that you cannot spend all your time on that, above all if anybody else has this problem! But I would like, at least to be able to understand what happens!

    So I thank you, rtv, for your time and your effort.

    David: you are a lucky man!


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 7, 2005
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    Today I've found a completely different issue which might have caused some problems - please check whether your album thumbs have names including underscores "_" or similar "bad" chars.

    I am dedicated to fix music so it works okay for all people (at least if using common setups). So if this build doesn't work for you (after deleting MusicDatabase and Thumbs again - sorry) please supply:
    - Configuration.log (directly after scanning your shares)
    - MediaPortal.log (when it does not display cover art)
    - Screenshots of: Configuration->Music->Database and Windows Explorer showing your thumbs\Music\Albums dir

    Thank you!


    Portal Pro
    February 28, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Hi rtv!

    IT WORKS NOW with your SVN 16167! i am really happy and thank you a lot!

    I still have some of the album arts not displayed (but not so many!) so I will now have a look at the "bad" chars you told about.

    For example, for your info, 2 albums were not displayed because their names, in the album thumb folder were:
    La mort d''Orion (you see, 2 '' instead of just 1 ' La mort d'Orion). I renamed it correctly and now I can see it. The same for Y''a une route instead of Y'a une route. Corrected, it is now shown!

    So I must see what is wrong with the others that are not displayed.

    Thanks again for your great job!

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