Are Server and Client on the same machine? According your logs the connection was lost.Windows10, DiSEqC simple.
TV Card: TechnoTrend 3650 CI
After some minutes of scan of Astra there appears the message see screenshot.
What could be the reason for this Problem?
[2015-10-31 10:22:36,479] [3250 ] [Dokan ] [ERROR] - Dokan: Error mounting virtual filesystem at drive 'S' (is DOKAN not installed?)
System.DllNotFoundException: Die DLL "dokan.dll": Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x8007007E) kann nicht geladen werden.
bei Dokan.Dokan.DokanMain(DOKAN_OPTIONS& options, DOKAN_OPERATIONS& operations)
bei Dokan.DokanNet.DokanMain(DokanOptions options, DokanOperations operations)
bei MediaPortal.Common.Services.Dokan.Dokan.Run()