Feature Requests & Bug Reports (11 Viewers)

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Portal Pro
May 17, 2007
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New Zealand New Zealand

would it possible to provide an option to 'turn off' the angled filmstrips - ie, just have flat filmstrips. You've removed the angled filmstrip from the Music section, which is great; would be awesome to be able to turn off the 'angle' in TV Series, Moving Pictures, My Videos... At the same time, perhaps remove the way the selected cover is 'angled' in towards the centre :)


Portal Pro
August 16, 2009
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Brazil Brazil
cul8er, my lastfm plugin is just stopping between songs... I don't know if it's random, but it occours frequently after the second song.

Is I change to another skin, it player everything normaly.


Portal Member
April 22, 2009
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Germany Germany
Skin doesn´t fit after watching a movie


i have a problem on resuming to the skin after watching a movie. I will explain it in letters an will post some pictures later:

1. When i watch a movie and push break or go to the onscreen menu the time will shown twice. The onscreen menu looks likes shown double.

2. When i go back after watching a movie, the movie/episode (on moving pictures and mytvseries) don´t show any discription. It only show [summary] in the summaryfield. When i go back to the basic homescreen the menus don´t fit into the frame. (on horizontal menu). Pushing the back buttom fix the problem. The skin reloads 2-3 seconds and all function return to normal use status.

3. I have a lot of background pictures for the several menus like tvseries or music...but after editing the basichome.xml like in your discription the background pictures don´t show the ones from the specific folder, they show random all pictures from all folders?

I have the problem in both skins, Xfactor and Streamed :mad:

Can anybody help?



  • Moving pictures.jpg
    Moving pictures.jpg
    553.1 KB
  • Basichome.jpg
    736.2 KB


Portal Pro
October 22, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Hi! Thanks for the update, again amazing work!

I can post these as bugs but I don't want to stress the bugfixing people or something thats why I posted here first.

I am not sure if this is a bug:
I copied all basichome xmls in the XFactor folder to a backup folder. Because I had to format my harddisk. So I did a clean MP1.0.2 install on WinXP and installed version 340 of your skin. I did not start MP and also did not open the XFactor menu editor. First I copied the backed up basichome xmls to the XFactor folder. Then I opened the XFactor Menu Editor... and what I see in the Editor is not how it was. But when I start MediaPortal, I do see how it was (correctly). So the xml files that I copied are used by the skin, but not by the menu editor. How can I fix this?

Also I forgot to install the font so I closed MP and installed the fontfiles. Now that I start MP again, there is no change, I don't think the correct font has been used. This is probably not a bug in the skin but if anyone knows how I can fix this?


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  • December 17, 2006
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    Hi zilexa

    Unfortunately you backed up the wrong files.
    Go to Start Menu, Programs, Team-MediaPortal, MediaPortal, User Files
    You should see a xfactor.xml there that is suppose to contain your settings.


    Portal Pro
    October 22, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    ok thanks...
    Here an idea about Multi Image and Zoom effect (I like them both):

    Would it be nice to have MultiImage for the menus only? Instead of for each menu item?
    In this case, the Zoomeffect should happen in 2 cases:
    - when MultiImage is automatically switching images
    - when the user switches between menus.

    Perhaps this is already possible:
    If I only specify image paths for the menus, does that mean I get MultiImage effect on the menus? Then all thats left to do is turn off multiimage for the menu items and give them a fixed image. But then... it would be nice if those fixed images weren't necessary at all... if the skin would only show images specified in the Menu image path, regardless wich menu item is selected.
    I hope I explained this correctly...


    Portal Member
    September 30, 2009
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    Hi Zilexa,

    I have disabled multi-image for all menu entries except weather forecast
    but I still get multi-images when traversing the menu pictures as long as I
    haven't used arrow-up. Don´t know if this is the expected behaviour but I
    would guess so as there is no option to disable multi-image in the leftmost column
    in the menu editor and the image paths included as standard are directories.

    If possible, it would have been really neat if the whole picture menu row scrolled
    so that the selected menu picture always is in the center, could save some left-right-
    lookin neck-strain for the people with really big-screens :)


    Portal Pro
    October 22, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hi Zilexa,

    I have disabled multi-image for all menu entries except weather forecast
    but I still get multi-images when traversing the menu pictures as long as I
    haven't used arrows.
    Don´t know if this is the expected behaviour but I would guess so as there is no option to disable multi-image in the leftmost column in the menu editor and the image paths included as standard are directories.

    I have found this behaviour too and it is almost what I described above: now I want multiimage to continu even if I use arrow up/down (vertical menu) or up/left/right (horizontal menu). So the menu items/entries should not have anything to do with the background multi image of the menu.

    If possible, it would have been really neat if the whole picture menu row scrolled
    so that the selected menu picture always is in the center, could save some left-right-
    lookin neck-strain for the people with really big-screens :)

    Not sure what you mean. is this about the horizontal menu? I have the problem that I don't know wich item is selected, since they are all black and the selected one isn't always in the middle. It's why I stick with vertical menu.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 31, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden

    Thank you for your feedback;)

    In this case, the Zoomeffect should happen in 2 cases:
    - when MultiImage is automatically switching image
    This is not possible to do in a skin as the transition between images in the same multiimage tag is done by MP and you can only specify the fade time.

    Originally Posted by Perls
    If possible, it would have been really neat if the whole picture menu row scrolled
    so that the selected menu picture always is in the center, could save some left-right-
    lookin neck-strain for the people with really big-screens
    This is not possible because I need some fixed points as the submenu moves. Othervise the menu editor would be far to complex.

    About the other questions on the menues. In the menu editor you can for example;

    1. Have multiimage for the main menues (those with the pictures).
    Specify the image path like "music".

    2. Have single image for the main menues (those with the pictures).
    Specify the image path like "music\default.jpg".

    3. Have the same multiimage for all main menues (those with the pictures).
    Specify the image path for all main menues (1 to 6) with the same value, like "music".

    4. Have the same single image for all the main menues (those with the pictures).
    Specify the image path for all main menues (1 to 6) with the same value, like "music\default.jpg".

    5. Have multiimage for the submenus.
    Specify the image path like "music" and set use multiimage to "yes".

    6. Have single image for the submenues.
    Specify the image path like "music\default.jpg" and set use multiimage to "no".

    So in short you can combine in any way. Multiimage on one main menu and image on another, multiimage on every main menues but images on the submenues and all possible combinations;) It is really up to you to configure the background (image or multiimage) you want for every single menu item and submenu item;)

    I know that the menu editor is not that easy to use and I promise to provide a guide as soon as possible.

    best regards
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