ATI Catalysy 8.6 problem (1 Viewer)


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  • September 22, 2006
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    Finland Finland
    Ok I finally found a way to watch TV with 8.6 hotfix cats + HD4850! I now have crappy PQ but at least I can use MP again.

    First I uninstalled cats, after that I used drivercleaner 1.55 to remove all leftovers from ATI, then installed cats again.
    From CCC I had to force deinterlacing to BOB! Automatic or any adaptive mode didn't work correctly. This is what I missed before.

    Now I get picture with ATI codecs (came with hotfix), I had picture with PDVD codecs for a while (even with HW accel on) but some regtweak seamed to make it go back to black again. I needed tweaks so I can get black levels back to correct because I can only use VMR9.

    I still can't use EVR, it crashes MP so I'm stuck with VMR9. Too bad I just got used to Vector adaptive deinterlacing with EVR with my previous display adapter.


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 2, 2005

    I have exactly the same problem on one test machine with XPsp3 and an old ATI 9500pro.

    Going back to 8.5 after removing 8.6 and the problem still remains ie EVR crashes VRM black screen but AVI OK. 8.5 had been perfect before 8.6

    Your thoughts that the 8.6 CCC is borking the deinterlacing settings seem to be spot on.

    Also the CCC settings are kept over through standard CAT updates leaves the problem behind.

    Luckily my main server is VISTA which I run plain vanilla ie nothing but VISTA MS updates and no CATS, this works perfect as I also need it for work.

    EDIT eventualy managed to remove all traces of CATS espeacialy CCC and back to deault MS XP update drivers for now and all is OK with MP in EVR and VRM.


    MP Donator
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  • September 22, 2006
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    Finland Finland
    Forgot to mention that I also updated bios from Hd4850, at least now I get smaller power consumption on idle if nothing else..

    Also the CCC settings are kept over through standard CAT updates leaves the problem behind.

    That's true, I didn't even think about it myself for some reason. I always uninstalled cats and few times ran drivercleaner app which I though would clean all ATI registry too but it doesn't! When I get home from work I'll try reinstalling cats one more time to find out if I can get EVR back. This time I'll clean all registry entries manually before installing it, including CCC settings + video device parameters.

    I'll reinstall vista soon anyways but now it's good time to test stuff as current installation is already messed up :D


    Portal Pro
    November 10, 2005
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    Austria Austria
    So is there actually any Catalyst Version that is working? I am using a ATI HD 3450 with Windows Vista Ultimate and Power Dvd 8 Codecs - as long as HW-acc is enabled I always get stuttering in my high-def material...

    Which Catalyst Version do you guys recommend?

    Thanks :)


    Portal Pro
    June 16, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    So is there actually any Catalyst Version that is working? I am using a ATI HD 3450 with Windows Vista Ultimate and Power Dvd 8 Codecs - as long as HW-acc is enabled I always get stuttering in my high-def material...

    Which Catalyst Version do you guys recommend?

    Thanks :)

    What HD content is this exactly?
    MPEG2 interlaced material?
    If that is true I have the same problem.
    Open CCC GPU utilisation page and see if the GPU is maxxed out on this operation.
    The solution for me was to use DScaler codec (latest version!!) which uses software
    decoding while still offering to use Radeon HW deinterlacing & postprocessing (you
    have to set colorspace of DScaler to NV12 for this to work). This way you can balance the
    workload between CPU and GPU and let not do the GPU all the work.
    Personally I still use 7.12 as all later versions introduce visible ghosting in my environment.



    Portal Pro
    August 7, 2007
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    I installed CCC 8.6 on a fresh vista 32bits install and everything seems to work great! When I was using 8.4 and 8.5 I always had problems with the sound. I would stop getting sound every now and then... I also had problems when switching my tv back on (I always switch tv off and leave the computer on) it would display in 640x480 16bits colors instead of 1920x1080 32bits.

    I'm using a Asus 3450, PDVD codecs with HA and everything works fine up to know. Didn't try any h.264 video, I'll try it eventually...


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Im running XP + ATI HD 3450 also. I got the impression that the ATI HDMI audio drivers also mess things up. I use the Realtec HDMI driver. Im using DVI>HDMI dongle to my lcd screen. Seems more stable with the realtec driver.

    Current driver is Cat 8.6 + hotfix for 4xxx. VRM with automatic de-interlasing. Powerdvd codec for video + MPA audio>spdif. Currently HW acceleration is only working from within powerdvd itself. If I use it in MP it crashes... So for now, I use the software decoding with everything. Everything seems to work perfectly at the moment. some DVD menu's cause problems though (like black screen or no pointer).. maybe this will be sorted out with proper drivers...

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