indeed it seems like a DTD file is needed on the new tvserver engine.
It even says so itself - just look at the xmltv plugin section. It clearly states that also a xmltv.dtd file is needed.
When I only use the tvguide.xml file I get this server error;
9-02-2007 14:03:39 XML tv import error loading C:\Programmer\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\XMLTV\tvguide.xml err:Filen 'C:\Programmer\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\XMLTV\xmltv.dtd' blev ikke fundet.
A dtd file shouldn't be too much trouble creating though? It's only needed once and since MP could import it, it means it must have known the shema definition - meaning again that it's probably in the same format as some other tvguide xml fil - i don't have tv server or light66 grabber (i use DVB-T so the guide is automatic) but perhaps you can try and copy/rename the dtd of one of the other grabber feeds matching this guides .xml file?
EDIT: I don't know how this grabber works so perhaps it didn't make much sense, but if light66's grabber creates the tvguide.xml and places it in that folder - all that is needed it placing a matching xmltv.dtd - shouldn't tv server build already include that? Perhaps this grabber deletes content of \xmltv folder before putting tvguide.xml there - if that is the case backup and copy back xmltv.dtd after the grabber has run.
TVGG does'nt delete xmltv.dtd.
That file is in the xmltv folder when you have installed MediaPortal so if it's not, then you should either install again or DL xmltv from SourceForge and copy the dtd from the package to MediaPortals xmltv folder.
The only changes I see are: Updated Marcel Groothuis version of the plugin to now support Media Portal 2.5
I can't say anything about the functionality of this plugin, I don't use TV Part, but if there are any changes that can be simply transferred, then I can try.
But I can't give any guarantees.
The only changes I see are: Updated Marcel Groothuis version of the plugin to now support Media Portal 2.5
I can't say anything...
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thank you Sir, issue is definitely resolved now, i uninstalled the problematic MSE altogether, plus i also now have optimized EPG grabbing configuration, thanks again for all the assistance, wow so much faster on everything now that MSE is out of the picture...MP WAF is now restored and FetchTV STB sits in the corner collecting dust :)
thank you Sir, issue is definitely resolved now, i uninstalled the problematic MSE altogether, plus i also now have optimized EPG...
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The optimum settings for EPG grabbing will depend on your location in the world, and how you use your HTPC, so there is not a single setup that will suit everyone. This page in the Wiki explains some of the factors involved.
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