OnlineVideos [2013/05/01] (7 Viewers)

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  • September 3, 2006
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    Norway Norway
    Hm, ok thanks to both of you :) I think I'll just do the playlist trick as that will make things alot easier in the long run. And then I won't have do constantly keep up with adding more playlists in the future.
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    Portal Pro
    May 22, 2009
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    Ukraine Ukraine
    Is anybody know how to set the regex to pages provided by the search query?
    Is there something like "videoListRegEx" in relation to "SearchUrl", maybe "SearchUrlRegEx"?
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    Portal Pro
    January 6, 2009
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    Hi, two problems that i've been having, and was hoping there might be fixes for. First, when i'm in the apple trailers, it seems like most of the movies that i want to play trailers for don't have anything listed in the detailed view. Secondly, i can't seem to get any of the videos in the Comedy Network site to work. Any ideas??


    MP Donator
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  • May 14, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    I've tried to play series from Sat.1 but the URL does not work.

    Log looks like this:
    [01-21 21:35:27,626] [MPMain ] [INFO ] DoPageLoad with CurrentState 'videos', PreviousWindowId '4758'
    [01-21 21:35:49,264] [OnlineVideos] [DEBUG] GetWebData-GET (cached): ''
    [01-21 21:35:52,900] [MPMain ] [INFO ] Preparing graph for playback of ''
    [01-21 21:35:53,175] [OnlineVideos] [INFO ] Start prebuffering ...
    [01-21 21:35:53,465] [OnlineVideos] [DEBUG] Buffering: 11/572 KB (1%)
    [01-21 21:35:53,517] [OnlineVideos] [DEBUG] Buffering: 32/572 KB (5%)
    [01-21 21:35:53,731] [OnlineVideos] [DEBUG] Buffering: 571/572 KB (99%)
    [01-21 21:35:54,224] [OVGraph ] [DEBUG] BufferFile : Rendering unconnected output pins of source filter ...
    [01-21 21:35:54,225] [OVGraph ] [INFO ] found H264 video on output pin
    [01-21 21:35:54,241] [OVGraph ] [DEBUG] BufferFile : Playback Ready.
    [01-21 21:35:54,275] [OnlineVideos] [INFO ] Prebuffering finished.
    [01-21 21:35:54,280] [MPMain ] [INFO ] OnlineVideosPlayer: Play ''
    [01-21 21:35:54,382] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] MediaPortal Url Source Splitter --> LAV Video Decoder --> Enhanced Video Renderer
    [01-21 21:35:54,840] [MPMain ] [INFO ] OnlineVideosPlayer: Stop
    [01-21 21:35:54,940] [MPMain ] [WARN ] System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
     bei OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.Player.OnlineVideosPlayer.Play(String strFile)
     bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.Play(String strFile, MediaType type, TextReader chapters, Boolean fromPictures)
     bei MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.Play(String strFile, MediaType type)
     bei OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.GUIOnlineVideos.Play_Step6(PlayListItem playItem, String lsUrl, PlayerFactory factory)
    [01-21 21:35:54,986] [MPMain ] [INFO ] DoPageLoad with CurrentState 'videos', PreviousWindowId '4758'


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 26, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Bei mir kommt die Auswahl FLV oder MP4 und zumindest wenn ich MP4 auswähle startet ein Video was "Dieses Video steht momentan nicht zur verfügung" anzeigt. Auf der Website geht es.
    Also entweder funzt es nur momentan nicht oder Sat1 baut etwas um. Mal sehn ob ich die Motivation finde es mir anzuschaun.
    Bisl Hilfe bei den dt. Sites würde ich mir wünschen ;) :whistle:

    Edit: Ops, thought this was the German thread as you were talking about a German Site ;)
    If a mod can/wants to move both posts go ahead.
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